Chapter 8 - Edoras

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Aloryssa's POV:

We had set up camp, and only now was the weight of the past 3 days hitting me. I wished to collapse and sleep, but my hunger was a driving force. I pulled a couple of wafers of Elvish bread, handing them out to the group. I sit down with my own piece, gazing out at the path that lays ahead of us, lit by only the moonlight that guided us throughout the early hours of night, until our horses were too tired to continue without injury. A small fire was set up. My hand was place on the ring that was sitting idly on my hand, I smiled at it, thinking of my beloved, of what he may be doing at this time. Most of the Elves had left for the undying lands already, but I knew Elrond was waiting for my return. I heard footsteps behind me, as Aragron takes a seat next to me.

His hand is on his own necklace, which I quickly recognise as the Evenstar.

"She loves you dearly," I whisper, seeing his faint, yet pained smile in return. "Despite what Elrond wishes, I support your love for each other."

Aragorn takes my hand.

"I do not wish her to have a mortal life, she should live with her family." I place a comforting smile on my face.

"She has lived with her family, and now she has found you, whom she is willing to give everything for. Do not be so quick to refuse her gift..." He squeezed my hand tightly, before letting go. 

"Do you miss him?" He asked quietly. I sighed, gazing into the stars above, the same stars above the head of my husband.

"More than anything in this world. I ache for his presence." 

He nods, understanding such an ache. 

"Sleep," He says, "I will take the first watch."

I stand up and walk the fire trying to find a comfortable warm spot, before lying down on the hard ground. I tugged my cloak around me as I tried to find sleep, thoughts of my lover in my mind. The memory of his voice lulling me into a deep sleep. 

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 

I am nudged awake by Legolas, as the dawn rises. 

"Why was I not given a watch?" 

"Aragorn said to give you rest, you needed it Aloryssa."

I blinked away the rest of the sleep in my eyes, before moving closer to Arloon, the Rohan horse given to me. I jump onto the saddle, stifling a laugh at the sight of Gimli attempting to hop on. Legolas lifts the dwarf up, ignoring the shout of protest. 

We set off in the early morning, hoping to reach Edoras as soon as possible. My mind strayed to the hobbits, praying to all of Valar that all of then were alright.  

My mind was tuned out of the conversation on the approach to the Kingdom, until we reached the edge of the City. 

"Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here." 

We ride through the glum city. The citizens stare as we pass their houses. 

"You'd find more cheer in a graveyard." Gimli mutters.

We dismount our horses, climbing the stairs to the hall as the doors open, a man walking out. I had made sure that my ears were covered before entering the City, being a woman was hard enough in the group, and an elven woman would surely grab more attention. The man stops us at the entrence.

"I cannot allow you before Theoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Grima Wormtongue." A frown appears on my face at Gandalf's nod. I take my sword, arrows, bows and hunting knife from my person, and hand it carefully to a guard. I then grab a dagger from each boot, and the one from the back of my hip. I hand those to the now wide eyed guard. He goes to walk away, but I hold my hand up, reaching up to pull two out of their place bellow my arm, and one strapped to the underside of my cloak. They were small daggers, but only intended for backup, or if I needed to throw something. 

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