Chapter 15 - The lighting of the Beacons

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Nobody's POV:

The air was near silent, with the snapping of twigs as the only disturbance to the tranquil atmosphere, as the Elves of Rivendell made their journey through the forest. The Elven party travelled under the moonlight, as the gentle glow lights their path, their path out of Middle Earth. 

Their path to the Grey Havens. 

Arwen appeared sorrowful. Her face contorted in a look of mournfulness, she would be leaving behind the love of her life.

As her horse took her closer and closer to her departure from this world, she hoped that she would be shown a sign. She looked at the forest, around her, ignoring the presence of her companions, allowing a vision to overcome her. A small boy runs past her, becoming enraptured in her premonition. He runs past the trees, into a room of stone pillars, where another figure awaits. 

The boy greets the man joyfully, and is scooped up into his arms, swinging him in a circle, where Arwen can make out the distant figure, as he grows closer and the mist parts. Its Aragorn. Though his beared has greyed and he is dressed in a noble Gondorian outfit. 

There is a glint from around the child's neck, it was her Evenstar. Her heart breaks as her son that would never exist if she left, stared her in the eye. Arwen stops her horse, and looks at the winding path behind her. 

"Lady Arwen?" The elf leading her horse asked, and was answered with a questioning glance. "We cannot delay."

"My Lady!" The elf yelled, jumping out of the way as Arwen wheeled her horse around, and shot back down the path to Rivendell. Her hair whipped behind her as the entered gates. She can feel her calm resolve crumbling, as her sights fall upon her father. 

"What did you see?" Elrond turned, stunned at her presence.


She marched up to the Elf, her breathing hard as she closed in on him, her eyes bright and fierce. 

"You have the gift of foresight, tell me what you have seen!" She pushed urgently.

Her father sighed, his face dark.

"I looked into your future... and I saw death."

Arwen stepped closer, taking Elrond's hands into her own.

"There is also life!" 

The Lord of Rivendell turned from his daughter, dropping her hands, as she pushed further.

"You saw there was a child... You saw my son."

He remained silent, pausing in a fight to summon his words, yet refusing to look at his dearest daughter. His face was pained.

"That future is almost gone..." Arwen place a hand on his face, turning him towards her. 

"But it is not lost." 

"Nothing is certain." She gently shook her head, if only he would trust her.

"Somethings are certain. If I leave him now, I will regret it forever." She takes one of his hands in hers. "Ada, it is time."


Aloryssa sat in the hall, a small mug of tea sitting in front of her. She stares down at the liquid, feeling a sense of trepidation. The beacons had not yet been lit, although there was still the prospect of King Theoden not aiding them in battle. She took a sip, mulling over the different scenarios that could occur, her eyes refusing to leave her cup, entranced by the ripples of her placing it on the table. She remains in her still state... until she is shoved out of it by the banging of the hall doors, as Aragorn races in, panting.

"The Beacons of Minas Tirith!" He shouts as all the occupants of the room are drawn towards him. Aloryssa stands. "The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" 

Everyone turns to Theoden, holding their breath in wait. His head was cast down, deep in thought, until he lifts it slowly, to gaze into the eye of Aragorn, his face set in a resolute determination.

"Then Rohan will answer." His attention moved to his men, "Muster the Rohirrim!"


The alarm is ringing through the city, as soldiers find their horses and say goodbyes to their loved ones. Theoden marches through the hall, dressed in his armour, delivering orders to his men. 

"Assemble the men at Dunharrow! As many Men as can be found! You have two days..." He paused to look back at his men, "On the third, we ride for Gondor... and War."

He looks over the city below him, watching his people, as husbands and sons march off to War.

Aloryssa's POV...

The men rushed off to complete the Kings orders. I race down to the stables, dressed in my riding clothes, with my weapons and armour ready to be placed on Arloon. 

I work quickly to strap on Arloon's saddle, and attach my possessions. Just outside, I can spot Aragorn, and start making my way over.

Upon leading my horse over to where Aragorn was, I noticed he was talking to Eowyn.

"You ride with us?" Eowyn turned quickly, nearly running into Aragorn in the process.

"Just to the encampment." She said stepping back, "Its tradition for the women of the Court to farewell the Men." 

Aragorn reached over to the horse, to lift up the cover, revealing a sword. He looked at her with raised eyebrows as she pulls it back down.

"The Men have found their Captain, they will follow you into battle, even to death." She leans in slightly, speaking more quietly. "You have given us hope."

She pulls away as I walk over, mounting her horse and moving into the crowd as Aragorn and I also mount, with a nod of acknowledgement to each other. Eomer gathers the attention of the gathered riders of Rohan.

"Now is the hour!" As Eomer yells to the Riders, Theoden looks across his Kingdom, drinking in the view, with a look of fear- a look that tells me he fears he may never return. "Riders of Rohan, Oaths you have taken! Now, fulfil them all! For Lord and Land!"

He kicks his horse into a gallop, as all of the riders follow suit, a loud thundering rumble ensuing as the thousand hooves march out of Rohan, into the mountains and towards the Dunharrow... and towards the War. I only hope we were ready.

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