Chapter 6 - The Fellowship Of The Ring

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The Uruk-Hai march along through the forest as the three boats carrying the Fellowship floated along the river. It was fairly peaceful, the gentle flow of the water was calming, as Aloryssa sat in the front of the boat, letting Aragorn handle the paddling for now. We had been rowing for a small time now, as the birds chirping sweetly mixed into the atmosphere.

My hand clasped the vial around my neck, as I thought back to the last encounter I had with Lady Galadriel.

She held out her hand, beckoning me to place mine in hers. When I did, she turned it around, placing a small necklace into it, moving my hand to clasp it,.

"For you my dear." I looked up at her, her face gentle yet concealing a grimness that shone through small cracks of her facade. 

"What is it," I whisper, seeing the small amount of seemingly glowing liquid inside the vial attached to the chain. 

"It restores the life of one person, but it must be used within the first hour of death, before their spirit leaves their body, or it will not work." 

I nodded, looking at the vial in deep curiosity, fearing the need to use it. 

I turned towards the boats, after saying goodbye to Lady Galadriel, ignoring the curious looks of my companions who had overheard our interaction.

"Frodo!" Aragorn whispered excitedly, "The Argonath! Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin."

I smiled at Aragorns wistful tone. The rest of the fellowship looked up in awe at the large figures. Frodo looked up at them, the hint of a smile on his face. 

We reached the short, pulling the boats up out of the water to make sure they did not drift away. I put down my pack towards the opposite side of the group, pulling out a loaf of Lembass, breaking a small chunk off, and leaving the rest in my pocket. 

"Where's Frodo?" I turn at Merry's words, as he drops the wood at his feet. Sam shoots up as I scan the camp, seeing Boromir's shield, sitting by itself. 

"Boromir!" I gasp, looking at Aragorn.

"Split up, we have to find them!" I ran up the hill, looking through the tree's, going as fast as I could. I reached the tip, no sign of them, I walk slightly down the steep hill, but stop at the sound of thundering footsteps. I peer through the underbrush, a stab of fear shooting through me as the sight of the monsters approaching me. These are no orcs, I thought, these are uruk hai.

I race back, sprinting up the hill, towards the direction I thought Aragorn and the others had went to.

"Get the She-elf!" I cursed at the voices, their thick rough and course voice spurring me on. I saw Aragorn and Frodo in the distance. 

"Aragorn!" The two twisted around as they saw me running. 

"Run Frodo!" The ranger waved the hobbit on, pulling out his sword to turn and join me. When I turned back, I saw the swarm of armoured enemies.My sword ready, I yelled a fierce battle cry, running at the horde. I could hear the sound of Aragorn beside me, as we knocked down each Uruk-Hai, being pushed back. I hear a shout as Legolas and Gimli joined in the fight. I ducked under a sword aimed at my head, twirling and bringing the blade through my attackers stomach. As I blocked another hit aimed for my head, I drew my hunting blade, bringing it through the neck of the new and improved orc. I parried the blows aimed at me, only pausing at the sound of a horn, the horn of Gondor. 

"The horn of Gondor!" I try to make way way the the sound, but there are too many Uruk-Hai in my way. I see some running past me to follow the others. I duck and swoop, stabbing slicing and pushing. I push an enemy back, swerving to the side to avoid the blade of another. There are only 5 more around me. 

I stab one through the stomach before the others can approach. I knock the sword out of next one's hands, removing it's head from it's neck quickly. I grabbed my hunting knife, flinging it through the gap of one's helmet, hearing it fall quickly. I hiss at the feeling of a blade running along my side slightly. I turn to the uruk that did it. It smiled dragging a finger along its blade before licking the blood off. The two orcs circled me closing in cautiously. They both ran, swinging at me from opposite directions, but before they could hit their ark, i dropped to my knees and twisted. Using the strength I had left, I slammed my weapon into their abdomens, cutting through them and watching in sickening relief as their torso's fell from their legs. 

I was breathing heavily, looking at the body of orcs around me. I could no longer hear fighting, just my heart as it frantically beat, pumping my blood through my body. 

I was about to turn and walk back down the hill, when something slammed into my body, throwing me down the other side of the hill. The wirld twirled around me, as i flew over rocks, roots and leaves. My breath was knocked out of me as I flew up over a bump and slammed back into the ground, continuing down the deep slope. My head hit something hard, and I passed out. 

Aragorn's POV:

Boromir was dead, Frodo and Sam were leaving. Merry and Pippin had been taken by the Uruk-Hai, we could only assume that Aloryssa had found the same fate, as she was nowhere to be seen. 

"Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore." I look down at the coarse stony beach, feeling dread about the events of the previous hour. Legolas stepped closer. "You mean not to follow them?"

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands."

"Then it has all been in vian! The Fellowship has failed." Gimli wailed. 

I stepped up to my two present companions, courage and determination welling up inside me, as the thought of our the two hobbits and elf filled my mind.

"Not if we hold true to each other," I look them in the eyes, "We will not abandon Aloryssa, Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light." We look at each other, Legolas and Gimli are beginning to smirk.

"Let's Hunt some orc!"

Our Fellowship was Split and broken, but soon enough, we would each serve our purpose. 

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End of The Fellowship Of The Ring

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