Chapter 18 - Battle of Pelennor Fields

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Aloryssa resisted the urge to tap her foot. They were waiting for the pirates to pass their position so they could ambush them. She looked down the river, seeing the boats coming closer and closer. 

The elf maiden pushes herself off the wall and makes her way over to Aragorn, as the pirates take notice of the small gathering by the water. Aloryssa stands behind her companions, finger twitching, ready to reach for her bow. 

"You may go no further," Aragorn calls out to the pirates, "You will not enter Gondor."

There was a round of cackles from the ships. The captain of the pirates stepped forward. 

"Who are you to deny us passage?" There was a cocky smile graced upon his face, as he stared down at the true king of Gondor. Aragorn leant over towards Legolas, to speak to him.

"Legolas, fire a warning shot past the bosun's ear."

"Mind your aim." Gimli mutters to the elf archer, as he moves his axe to alter Legolas' aim. 

On the pirate boat, the man next to the captain goes down. Legolas whips to glare at Gimli, as the Dwarf covers his mouth in shock. Aloryssa ducks to hide her grin from them, chuckling at her friends antics. 

"That's it. Right. We warned you. Prepare to be boarded." Gimli called out.

A laugh ran out across the ships.

"Boarded? By you and whose army?"

Aragorn smirked.

"This army."

Behind the four, a roar cashed down onto the boats, with it, the army of ghosts.

The fleet was overwhelmed with the undead force and soon, the ships were cleared and ready to be taken to the battle that would be commenced soon enough, if it was not already. 

"Let's hope the winds are on our side." Aloryssa states, worriedly, as the boats set off of their journey to the larger battle.

Hours had passed. Getting restless, The She-Elf started pacing the deck of the ship, much the nerve of her shipmates. The port was coming up however, and the sounds of battle were echoing in the distance. She stopped pacing and hid below the rail of the ship. She looked over to her companions, making eye contact with Aragorn. They nodded at each other. 

She gripped the hilt of her sword, and took a deep breath. 

"Late as usual, pirate scum! There's knife-work here that needs doing." The Orc called from the deck, impatiently. "Come on, ya sea rats! Get off your ships!"

Aragorn nods at the three of his companions, and they all leap over the rail, into eye of the enemy. At the sight of the four of them, the Orc's begin to laugh, not threatened in the slightest. The group all drew their weapons, and began running. 

"There's plenty for the both of us. May the best Dwarf win!" Gimli shouted.

Out of the ships, the ghosts toppled down, like a flood of green charging the Orc's. Upon seeing this new threat, the enemy began trying to run. 

It didn't take long for the group to get divided, as Aloryssa began cutting down Orc after Orc, dodging dangerous swipes and dealing her own. As she ducked under a swing aimed for her head, her arm dug her own sword through the space between the enemies chest plate. Twisting and batting away another sword, she quickly swiped through an Orc's throat. 

A roar brought Aloryssa's attention to a charging Oliphunt, heading right in her direction. She cursed as she tried to fight the Orc's around her a bit quicker, pushing to move out of the way. As it was about to stomp on her, leg right above her, she managed to dive out of the way, listening to the screams of the Orc get cut off with a thud. As she was about to jump up, an Orc tried to bring an axe down upon her head. 

Aloryssa twisted out of the way just in time, and jumped up. The Orc lunged, swinging widely, as the elf leaped back, then forward in her own attack. With one large heavy lop, the Orc's head came clean off. In the side of her eye, there is movement. A man running at Aloryssa throws a small axe, that is nocked to the side. He raises a sword to bring down on her, but she parries quickly and kicks him in the chest. She thrusts down against his arm, and he screams as the blade makes contact. His goes silent when she brings her blade through his stomach, a noiseless gasp before he collapses to the ground. 

There  was no warning before the spear went through her stomach. She turned to face her attacker. The Orc grinned, chuckling at the strike, until she slit its throat. Looking down at the tip of the bloodied blade still protruding out of her stomach, Aloryssa stumbles a few steps forward, whimpering in pain. 

The world spins for a few moments until she it turns on its side, as Aloryssa falls to the side, the ground coming up to meet her, and her vision fades as the battle roars on around her.

Most of the fields were being cleared by ghosts and the city was being combed over with the spirits as well. There were some running away, cowardly Orc's and men who could tell they stood no chance. They had won. This battle was theirs. 

Aragorn face the green army with Legolas and Gimli next to him.

"Release us." The King of the Dead commanded.

"Bad idea." Gimli stated, looking towards Aragorn thoughtfully, "Very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead."

The King looked angered.

"You gave us your word."

"I hold your oath fulfilled." Aragorn nodded, "Go, Be at peace."

The Army of the Dead sighed, and at once faded into the air, finally, at peace.

Aragorn looked around all the destruction and death, seeing the mourning of friends and loved ones. Legolas and Gimli were beside him, but Aragorn had lost track of Aloryssa early on. There was no sign of her.

"Legolas, can you see any sign of Aloyrssa?"

The Elf scanned the bodies around us. 

"I cannot see her." 

Aragorn grew anxious, a terrible feeling settled in his stomach. 

"Quickly, spread out, search for her."

The group combed the bodies, looking for a familiar face, however dreading the sight as well. Aragorn had seen Theomer discover Eowyn, seen the heartbreak on his face as he cradled the body of his kin, not moving. 

"Aragorn!" Gimli called. Legolas was already running over to the figure Gimli had pointed towards. 

Legolas made to her side first. His hands found her stomach, trying to stop the blood that had been pumping out of her body. Vision came back to Aloryssa, as she felt herself being moved. She could see his lips moving. All she could hear, however, was a high pitch ringing, as her vision began to grow splotchy, growing patches of darkness taking over again. A cold shill ran through her body. As the last light faded, she could only manage one word...


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