Chapter 7 - Fangorn Forest

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Aloryssa's POV:

I shot up, grasping for my sword, but found nothing. I twisted looking for any sign of what happened. A couple of feet from me, I saw the body of an orc, its neck was swollen, as it faced the sky, opposite of the way its body was positioned. I grimaced, pushing myself up. I spotted my sword, glinting in the leaves, still covered in blood. 

I wiped it off, before staggering up the hill. It was nearly sunset, the last light of the day still shining through the trees for me to see. I can only hear my footsteps as I walk. Our packs are mostly still there, but are abandoned. One boat is still here... I glance at the tracks, leading out of the camp. They must have split up, in a hurry. I grab, my pack, grabbing the essentials before, following the tracks in a hasty run, i couldn't be too far off, maybe a couple solid of hours, and with only me, I could surely catch up. 

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ 

I had been running non-stop for 3 days now. It had become apparent that I was following after the fellowship as they tracked the remaining Uruk Hai party that had attacked us. Their footsteps had muddled together greatly, but I could still make out some of the fresher tracks. 

Over the stony hedges I went, crossing the planes in desperate wish to reunite with my group. I had been running for a couple of hours already this day, when my ears alerted me to the thundering sound of horses galloping towards my direction. In the middle of a long stretch I has nowhere to hide, as the riders crossed the hill in the distance, spotting me, and slowing in their approach. 

Riders of Rohan, I thought curiously. 

"Who are you?" The leader called, pausing a small distance from me, "What business does a woman have in this area, all by herself?" 

I frowned at his suspicious and accusatory tone. Standing straighter, I slid my hair back, showing my elven ears.

"I am Aloryssa Peredhel, Lady of Rivendell, and my business is my own. Strange of the Rider's of Rohan to ride so far out from their own City is it not?"

I raised my eyebrow at him, his eyes widened in realisation. 

"My Lady, I did not realise." He bowed slightly, before frowning in thought. "King Theoden fails to recognise friend from foe in this current age." 

He looked down, a sadness over his face at his Uncle's ill mind.

"Would it be possible, my Lady, that you were travelling with a man, elf and dwarf?"

I nodded, quickly, mind passing over amount of people without a thought. 

"Yes! Where and when did you last see my companions?!" 

He looked back at where they had come. 

"Just a few hours earlier, that way. They had been hunting a party of orcs, in an attempt to rescue their two small friends." I nodded, smiling slightly in relief. "We had slayed the orcs yesterday night, and left none standing. We do not know if those your friends were searching for are still alright." He looked down, as my smile faltered. He whistled, and a man jumped from his horse, bringing it over.

"Here, you may use this horse, in the light of any troubles you have face. I nodded numbly, taking the reins of the animal from the man, as he moved out of the way. 

"My Lady," The horse lord said. I looked up at him, "They have continued on horse back in search of their friends. While I would not have an ally in hope, they have still maintained some. They beleive you were taken by the Uruk-Hai. I would recommend that you make hast, and show them you are alright, before they despair entirely."

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