Chapter Eight

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My face flushed at his words, and a small shiver went up my spine. He always managed to do that, and I looked up into his hazel eyes, almost getting lost in them. I heard splashing and I automatically turned my head towards the sound.

Paul let out a huff in annoyance, before turning towards the water as well. I reached for his hand, but he sealed our hands together, intertwining them. I squeezed his hand, and turned my attention back to the chaos that was happening in the water.

Emily was splashing Seth and Sam, while Quil and Embry roughhoused. I giggled, watching them all, this was where I was meant to be. I tugged Pauls hand, and nodded towards the water, a mischievous grin forming on my lips. He raised a brow, almost like he was challenging me. He started off towards the water, pulling me along with him, I laughed as he let go of my hand, and purposely jumped in, splashing everyone around him.

They all had a splash war, and I shook my head. I decided to sit down in the water, and watch them play their little games; but before I knew what was happening, I felt strong arms lift me into the air, and throw me over his shoulder.

"Paul! Let me go!" I shouted, a small laugh escaping my mouth as I pounded on his back.

"You sure you want me to do that?" He grinned, exposing his pearly whites.

My smile dropped, "W-wait, how deep are we?!" Panic flooding over me.

I wasn't as tall as Paul, not even close actually. I was considered a dwarf in his eyes. He stood 5'11, and I was a proud 5'4.

Paul looked over his shoulder, that grin still on his lips. "Waist high, can you touch?" He teased, making fun of my height.

I glared at him, and tried to squirm out of his grasp, which only made him tighten his grip. "Stop squirming princess, I don't want to hurt you."

That only made me squirm more, and finally he put me down. The others made their way over, Embry had his whole body in the water, only his nose and up were showing. Seth was struggling in the water, lifting his legs high, and coming down on the water hard, he wouldn't be a very good ninja. Quil seemed to walk effortlessly, and he gave me his signature smile. Sam was carrying Emily, which wasn't a surprise.

They all gathered around as Paul spoke, "What game should we place?" He asked the group.

Embry rose out of the water and dramatically spoke, acting like Shakespeare, "How about, the one, the only, Shark in the Water?"

"What's that?" Seth asked, raising an eyebrow.

Embry groaned and explained it, "Basically, it's like a game of tag. The shark tries to tag people when they are in the water. If the shark tags someone, they'll become "It." We can only stay out of the water for 5 seconds at a time to give the shark a chance to catch us."

Seth nodded, and I had an idea, "Should we vote? I had another game in mind, but if you guys want to play it I'm okay with that." I shrugged, and Emily spoke first.

"I want to hear your game, so we can decide." The rest also nodded at this and I shrugged, explaining my game.

"It's called 'Chicken'. We have to nominate someone to be the leader, the leader gets to do something funny like; maybe a funny walk, or impersonate someone. We have to try to copy what the leader did, if any of us get a part of it wrong, we get a C, the first letter of Chicken. Once one of us has collected all the letters that spell out Chicken, they just do a dare from one of us," but before they could vote I added on another detail, "Oh yea, if someone wishes to not participate in that act, to avoid getting the letter, they can say 'chicken out, but you are out of the game."

Seth pursed his lips, "They both sound fun, though. Alright, let's vote."

We first started with Embrys game. Emily, and Sam voted for that one, earning a defeat sigh from Embry.

Then we went to my game. Paul, Quil, Jared, andSeth all voted for mine, and I stuck my tongue out at Embry. "I come out victorious." I smirked, before we all got in shallower water.


The game ended with me being the 'Chicken', which annoyed me because this was the game I wanted. I grumbled as the pack formed a small circle a little ways from me, and started discussing the dare. Paul kept glancing back to make sure I was okay, but before long they all came back.

"We have decided, young one." Jared spoke, bowing to me, being overdramatic.

I rolled my eyes as Paul made his way over to stand next to me.

Embry was the one to tell me the dare, "We dare you to tell Paul what you truly think about him!"

It went silent, and I raised a brow, "Not much of a dare."

Sam nodded, "We didn't want to do something too harsh, sense Paul probably would of killed us." He said, wrapping his arm around Emily.

I shrugged, and turned towards Paul, grabbing his hands in mine, and staring into his eyes. "Paul Lahote, I have fallen in love with you, ever since we first met I had this connection to you that just couldn't be broken. You make me feel alive, you make me feel special, and most importantly you make me smile everyday. I will cherish these moments for eternity, I really love you Paul."

His eyes were wide, and before I knew it I was scooped up into a passionate kiss. Emily made a soft 'Aww', Embry covered Seths eyes, earning him an annoyed punch to the arm, Quil looked away awkwardly, Sam smiled, and Jared rolled his eyes.

Paul pulled away, leaving me dying for more, but I didn't want to embarrass the boys so I grinned up at him, while he winked seductively.

"Woah woah woah, save that for the bedroom." Embry snorted, his laugh seemed contagious as even Sam started to laugh. Soon we were all laughing, but Leah broke that laugh.

She angrily stood up from where she was sitting and glared directly at me, then her glare went to Emily, then back to me. Paul quickly pushed me behind him, making sure not to hurt me.

Leah spoke, her words as cold as ice, "Why don't you just fuck here? You obviously want her so damn badly so why don't you just do it?" Her voice was boiling with vemon, and everyones moods did a 180.

Paul was already gritting his teeth, he disliked Leah. No, scratch that, he hated her. She was rude, stubborn, and annoying to everyone around her. Leah had a good life here, but she always had to ruin it.

Sam eyed Paul, making sure he wouldn't attack her, "Leah, enough." He used his alpha voice, and she hesitated.

Leah shook her head in rage, and ran off into the woods. I let out a relieved sigh, I was holding my breath the whole time. Paul grasped my hand tighter, before turning towards the pack.

"Im gonna take her home, it's already getting late."

We said our goodbyes to the pack, and he decided to drive me home. It was a silent ride, for the most part. Pauls mind kept drifting back to Summer, or the Newborn Army. He knew Newborns were more powerful than the older ones, since they are new.

Paul looked over at Summer to see her fast asleep, he smiled softly, his eyes softened, forgetting about the Newborn Army. He gently stroked her hair.

"I am so lucky." He cooed softly, before deciding to go to his house instead.

He wanted to be with her, just one more night, before the battle began.

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