Chapter Eighteen

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Yesterday, Bella was said to be dead. We, as in the Cullens, including a reluctant Paul and depressed Jacob, gathered around Bellas still frame. She was pale, lifeless, and it pained me to see her. Apparently, another thing they neglected to tell me was that Bella had broken her back when she first went into labor, which is why her chest isn't in its natural place.

Rosalie had the little monster in her arms, the baby's name was Renesmee. It was combining the names of Renee, our mother, and Esme, her mother-in-law. I truly loved Esme, and now I was apart of her family; but without Bella, I am lost.

We continued to mourn, but before I could walk away everyone perked up. Edward started at Bella, Carlisle and Esme pulled their heads away from one another, even Jacob and Paul could feel the sudden change. I looked at  Paul, confused, but he just squeezed my hand.

Bellas back healed, making her jump slightly as her bones realigned. I turned my attention to Edward, whose eyes were wide and full of hope. Bella wasn't going to die, was she going to become a vampire?

I watched nervously, as her eyes opened, revealing red orbs. She looked around the room, all the sadness, tension, and heartbreak broke instantly, happy smiles filled the room. I sighed, relieved, but I felt Paul pull me behind him.

"What?" I whispered, my eyebrows furrowing deeply, I wanted to see my sister.

"Shes a newborn, Summer. She could lose control and kill you." He hissed back, glaring at the new vampire presence.

Bella sat up, and she automatically looked at Edward. If he could cry, he would be sobbing right now, I could hear a faint whimper come from him as Bella stood, and in a blink of an eye she had him in a tight embrace.

I smiled softly, and her attention turned to me. Edward placed his hand on her arm, and she nodded, knowing that I was still a human, and very fragile. 

Paul growled protectively as he used himself as a shield, glaring menacingly at Bella. I sighed in return, and moved away from him, sending him a reassuring smile in the process.

"You look...beautiful." I complimented, a large, warm smile covering my face. She smiled back, her signature half smile never changed.

"Thanks, you also look beautiful." She said, her voice was different from before. Normally, she was timid, and scared to talk to me, but now she has finally found confidence.

"Well, I'm not a vampire like you." I snorted, staring into her red eyes. She wasn't intimidating like all the others vampires, she had a calm and sweet aura, which made the whole room more lively.

Edward came up behind her, gently wrapping his arms around her waist, "Do you wanna meet your daughter?" He said, talking into Bellas ear.

I gave her one last smile before I turned towards Paul, and latched my hand into his, "Let's go home." I said, my voice filled with joy and a new found appreciation for my sister, who I loved more than anything.

Paul muttered something under his breath, which I wasn't able to catch, but his eyes fell upon the little girl held in Rosalies arms.

He squeezed my hand reassuringly as we made our way out of the house, and down the steps that leaded into the dark mysterious woods. He turned his back towards me, his back facing the woods as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I want to ask you something." He said cooly, and I nodded in response.

"What is it?" I asked, still holding onto his hand. Paul grinned, taking my other hand in his.

"I want to take you somewhere, first." And just like that I was in his strong arms which always caught me off guard.

I playfull slapped his arm, "You need to stop doing that out of nowhere." I giggled, as I felt a rumble against his chest, before a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Sorry, sorry." He said, looking down at me as he jogged, he didn't run which confused me. Usually he wanted to get to the destination quick and fast, but today he took it slow and my grin widened.

He bit his lip, which made me look up at him, "What's up?" He only bit his lip when he was nervous, or lustful. I eyed him suspiciously as he shook his head, shaking whatever thought he had out of his head.

"It's nothing, really. I was just thinking." He said the last part quietly, and I pursed my lips, deciding to drop the subject, which ended up leaving us in a comfortable silence.

I looked around at the forest, finally realizing that we were deep into it now. The wind almost seemed to talk to me as he jogged, sending shivers up and down my spine. The small flowers danced merrily, as the wind flowed through them. The trees simply swayed to the small melody the wind was creating, and I couldn't help but awe at the sight.

This part of the forest was more dense and full of light, and life. Speaking of life, there was a herd of deer off to the side, and Paul stopped so I could look at them.

There was one buck, and three does. I smiled at the sight of them, when they finally caught our presence and took off into the woods, but one lingered. The doe stared back at us, before turning away and also taking off into the woods.

"This place is truly magical..." I said quietly, my thoughts going back to when Jacob did the same thing with me, which seemed so long ago.

Paul nodded, "Yes it is, my love." His voice seemed to be more confident, and I simply nodded, taking in all the wonders of the forest.

When Paul finally stopped, he sat me down. When I turned to where he was facing, my eyes went wide, and I put my hand over my mouth, taking in the beautiful sight that was before me.

He smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, and pulling me to him, "When I thought about how to ask you to marry me, I also thought about where we were going to live, so I asked Edward; which I hated very much but he agreed to help me buy a cabin for us."

The word 'us' made my smile grow wider, and I stared at the beautiful cabin in front of me. I was slightly surprised that the Cullens would do this for us, and I was forever in their debt for this, it warmed my heart to know they thought of me as family.

I turned away from the cabin and looked up at Paul, his face suddenly becoming more panicked, " you not like it? Oh I should of kno--" I cut him off by placing a soft kiss on his lips, which made him stiffen for a second before melting into the kiss.

I pulled away, and brought my hands up to his warm cheeks, "I love it." I said quietly, staring back into his beautiful brown eyes.

His panic stricken face was replaced with a happy, warm, and loving one, "Im glad..." He said softly, placing a kiss on top of my head.

There was something else he seemed to want to spill, but he held it in, and I decided to shrug it off, "Can we go in?" I asked, extremely excited to see the inside.

He smirked, "Well of course, we own it." I let out a tiny squeal at this, and dragged him over to the door. He laughed, pulling out the key from his back pocket, and opening it.

When we got inside, I felt like I wanted to cry. Paul placed a hand on my shoulder, and stood in front of the sign.

He slowly pulled out a box from his pocket, and got down on one knee.

"Summer Swan, will you marry me?"

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