Chapter 10

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After our moment in the bathroom we went back to the greenroom to meetup with everyone. Currently, we are at the hotel with Patrick and Maggie figuring the logistics for the few days they will spend with us. I called my parents to make sure it was ok with them first and like I had imagined, they were fine with it and very excited.

"Well I think it's all sorted, Patrick and Fin will go pick up the rental car tomorrow so we can drive down to the Airbnb I just booked" Maggie said to Billie and I with a smile.

Billie got off my lap and gave her a mum a hug and kiss on the cheek, thanking her for the last-minute organisation.

"Oh but Zoe and I are going to go with Harrington in the morning, she brought her car" Billie told her mum.

"I thought you two would anyway, that's why I didn't book two cars" Maggie said to Billie with a laugh.

After a few more last-minute details I stepped out of the hotel room and into the hall to call Jock.

I was mid-way through a yawn when Jock answered.

"I was waiting for your call Munch, how was your day and the concert?" he asked, waiting for me to recount my hectic day to him.

And I did, I told him about my day from the start to end. Leaving out the part where Bil and I made out in the bathroom for a solid hour. And then told him about how she and her family were going to be staying at an Airbnb near our house by the beach.

"Soooo, what's it like hanging with a big star Haz?" Jock asked.

"Honestly, it's like being with an old friend. Billie and her family are amazing. They are so down to earth. Her best friend Zoe gets on so well with us too, it's like hanging out with two more people in our group" I told him, a smile on my face and I sat down on the floor of the hall with my leant against the plastered wall.

"Aw that's good to here, and have you made any moves on your crush?" he asked, the smirk evident in his tone.

"And don't lie, Pen and Lucy already informed on some details" he added with a chuckle.

Of course those two couldn't keep their big mouths shut.

"I'm going to strangle those two" I mumbled into the phone, "but yes a few moments have been shared, but um we haven't really talked about what we are. I mean she's leaving the country in a few weeks" and saying that brought a huge realisation that crashed over me.

What is going to happen when Billie has to leave? Am I just a tour fling? Just some fun to take her mind off tour? Oh god, I can't get attached, that will break me if I do. Shit.

"Munch? You still there?" Jock said, ripping me away from my growing thoughts.

I cleared my throat and sat up.

"Yeah yeah, still here bro. But listen I've got to go pack and shit. But I will see you at home tomorrow" I said to him, suddenly feeling tired.

"Alright Haz, drive home safe love you dude" he said into the phone.

"I will, love you more" I whispered into the phone and hung up, then switching it off.

I sat in the lobby for god knows how long thinking about ways to bring up what we were with Billie. I lifted my head up and smacked it against the wall behind me while groaning and rubbing my hands over my face. Footsteps approached me and soon enough I was looking at a pair of neon socks on the feet of a girl I was planning to avoid.

I looked up and saw Billie smiling down at me, she reached down for my chin and stroked it with her thumb. Maybe I'm not a tour hook up then, I thought to myself.

Moments // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now