Chapter 23

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"So you're telling us that Billie is bringing you for the last leg of her tour and you'll be away for a week and a half with her!" Lucy yelled looking at me through the phone with Pen by her side.

"Yes I know it's so wild guys! I'm so keen to go but feel bad cause I'm missing the game tomorrow cause we leave in the morning"

"Oh please one game without you will be doable to say the least Harri, we won't die" Lucy sarcastically remarked.

"That's not what I meant; I was so hyped to play but a small break is better anyways" I told them.

"Exactly, make sure you facetime us and keep us updated every day though and we want to talk to Billie too every once and a while" Pen added.

"Of course my loves, I'll keep you guys spammed with updates. Oh, before I forget when people bring up us knowing Billie tell them that her manager is a really close family friend of my dad's and he offered for us to meet her and we all got on really well. Then because Zoe went home, they had a spare spot on the tour and invited me to tag along, which is sorta true in a sense but don't say anything more" I explained.

"Absolutely, don't worry Haz we won't tell them you guys are fucking" I groaned at Lucy's choice of words.

"Oh my God Luce, we aren't fucking, piss off" Pen and Lucy laughed at my red cheeks.

I didn't even notice Billie enter my bedroom after her shower until she laid down next to me.

"BILLIE!" the two girls yelled, laughing and waving at the screen.

"Hellooo Luce and Pen, how are you two?" she asked them, taking my phone from my hand and placing it on a pillow in front us.

"We are good, busy as fuck with school work unlike the nerd next to you but still good. So you're taking our little Harrington on tour with you?" Pen asked.

"Ahahaha she is a lil nerd isn't she" Billie teased looking at me, "sorry guys but I couldn't leave her just yet, so why not bring her with me"

"Awwwww" the two idiots on the screen cooed.

"Well we've got to go now, but take care of our girl for us please?" Lucy asked with a grin.

Billie smiled and gave me a sweet kiss on my cheek "of course Lucy".

"Ok, we've got to get packing. Love you losers see you soon" I blew them a kiss through the phone.

"Ok bye! Fly safe and remember to keep us updated, love you" Pen said.

Billie waved bye and went to end the call before Lucy's dumbass face was the only thing on the screen "WAIT!" she yelled at us.

"Remember to use protection kids!" Luce yelled into the phone before hanging up.

Billie burst out laughing at the comment and I groaned at how embarrassing Lucy was. I grabbed my phone and rolled on top of Billie back, placing the phone in front of us and opened Instagram. We looked at fan edits and posts for an hour or so before realising that it was now 10 pm and we hadn't packed yet, Maggie and Patrick were picking us up at 7 am for our 9 am flight.

"William, we need to start packing and stop procrastinating" she sighed, burying her head into my sheets.

Nuzzling my head into the back of neck I peppered kisses, down her neck and along her exposed shoulder.

"Angel if you keep doing that, we won't have any time to pack" I laughed against her shoulder and rolled off her back, off the bed and onto my feet.

I opened my phone and played the chill playlist we created earlier, and Billie's plump lips turned up into a smile when Redbone by Childish Gambino started playing softly.

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