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It's been a week since we had dinner with his parents and five days since Itachi left for meeting with Kazekage. I don't know why he had to go, but there's some sort of meeting where every clan with kekkei genkai had to come.

I already miss him so much, we had beem separated before, but I will never get used on that. House is so empty without him and I have to take care of police forces and clan and because lady Tsunade is only Senju I have to take care of hospital with Shizune too.

Usually Sasuke would take Itachi's place, but because he's one mission, I am the only one from main house who can do this.

Because my dear father in law said I must learn how to lead a clan because I am Itach's wife.

Don't think I am lazy, it's just that whatever I do wrong he would come and yell on me, even if it's some small mistake. Like sending three police officers in the town insted of four of them.

"Lady Akane!" one of officers came in to give me daily report:"Am I allowed to start?"

"Go on" I said and he started telling me how today everything was peaceful.

"Before you leave please bring written report" I smiled and he bow.


After whole day of work I was finally able to leave and go home to rest.

I jumped on our bed as soon as I reaches our room.


When I started falling asleep I heard steps.

"Dammit" I cursed under my breath and took kunais we were having under our bed, just for emergencies.

Before I activated my sharingan I saw who entered our house.

"Itachi, you scared me" I jumped in his arms, but then I saw he's in pain.

"Itachi what happened? Are you okay?" I am so worried about him:"Let me see it"

"Calm down Akane, I am okay, it's just a little cut"

"What happened?"

"Missing ninjas, we won"

"Undress yourself now!"

"You don't have to worry"

"Itachi!" I warned.

He take off his shirt and I saw deep cuts on his upper right arm and abdomen which were still bleeding.

"I will take a better look, but I think you will need stitches, lot of them"

"Akane I am sorry"

"Shut up, that's not your fault I am gonna bring everything I could need"

I got my medical bag and brought it back with me.

"I am just gonna stop bleeding with my chakra, it's gonna be really uncomfortable and it may hurt a little, you ready?"

He nodded and I started working on his wounds.

I saw him biting his lip because of pain but I couldn't help it, what have to be done, have to be done.

When it came to stitching his wound I felt uncomfortably, because he's my husband after all, yeah this is peace of cake for me as medic, but...I don't like to see him feeling pain, because something I am doing.

"Akane, I will be alright, just do it" he gave me closed eye smile.

I did what he told me and focused so I was able to stitch both cuts under 25 minutes.

"Done" I said and bandaged his wounds.

"Thank you, Akane" he kissed me with such passion and after that presses his hand onto my stomach:"I missed you two so much"

"We missed you too" I giggled.

"Was everything okay while I was away?"

"Yeah, there wasn't any big problems"

Both of us were really tired and soon we fell asleep.

"Itachi! Akane!" I heard Shisui's voice.

I got up and headed to see what he wants.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"You were sleeping?" he laughed at me:"Uchiha clan's meeting is starting in less then fifteen minutes!"

"I totally forgot about that"

"Itach get up, we have meeting, we're gonna be late!"


"We forgot about monthly meeting, get up, it's starting in less then fifteen minutes"

He jumped off the bad and both of us started running around the house, getting what we will need.

At the end, somehow we made it on time, thanks to Shisui.

"We made it"

After boring meeting like always we heared to Ichiraku's place to get something to it.

"Shisui, you're coming with us, I don't know what two of us would do without you" I laughed.

"You would be in big trouble, I can imagine how angry Fugaku and elders would be, just imagine it, leader of the clan and his wife forgot about clan's meeting" he joked.

"Well...let's not talk about that now, we made it on time and that's the most important", I said. I still remember punishment Itachi and I got when we forgot about clan's meeting and went on the date.

"But this meetings are boring as hell, every time we're talking about same things, I get this is important, but what's the point of meetings when nothing is happening"

"Well...if they heard we're getting new prince it wouldn't be so boring", Shisui smiled at two of us.

"They won't find out that soon, I won't let someone to forbid me to go and work in hospital and make me sit in house for whole day"

"I still can't imagine you two as parents"

"Believe me, neither I can't imagine myself as mother"

"You're gonna be the best mother in whole world" Itachi kissed me.

"Ewwww, guys I am still here"

Both of us laughed on that.

"Three ramens" I said when we came into Ichiraku's place.

Somehow I was much more hungry now than ever before.

"Akane, sweetheart, don't you think that was too much to eat?" Itachi asked me as I finished my fifth bowl of Ichiraku's ramen.

"No, it' s not my fault, baby wants it"

"Akane, you still need to eat healthy..." Shisui smiled at me.

"Like I said it's the baby"

"Oh yeah, it's the baby" both of them said at same time and started laughing.


Editted by @littaff

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