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Next morning when I woke up I was alone in our bed.

Itachi's probably at the work and I got up to prepare myself for the day. After that I headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and I started singing while doing that.

I heard steps in our living room and I grabbed kunais we had hidden in kitchen, just for emergencies.

I slowly headed there ready for the fight, I activated my mangekyu sharingan and sighted before I got into our living room.

I saw male shadow and I throwed kunai at him, he dodged it but before he could do anything else I put all my chakra in my right arm and punched him in the back.

"Who are you and what do you want?!"

"Easy there, it's me Akane" Shisui turned and put his hands in the air:"You got really strong"

"What the heck?! What are you doing here?!"

"I am your guardian as you know, I taugh you're still sleeping so I didn't want to wake you up, I didn't expect you at all"

"Good job Shisui, I am jounin too, and you expected I won't be able to feel other person presence in my own home" I said and deactivated my sharingan.

"Well...I didn't taught about it at all" he said honestly.

"For goodness sake, I was ready to kill you"

"I got it, next time I will notify you when I get here, even if you're sleeping"

"Good idea" I laughed.

"So what are you doing?" he asked me.

"I was preparing breakfast before you tried to break in my house without me noticing it"

"Hey, it wasn't like that, I used front door" he argued.

"Whatever, are you hungry?" I asked.

"Of course I am, I haven't eaten any home made food for a week"

"That's because you won't settle down and get married, who do you think will cook to you when you get old?"

"I am not ready to settle down yet, until then I suppose I can come here and eat your cooking, right?"

"Of course you can, you're always welcome here, but you need someone to support you too"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it, don't start with that again, please"

"You know I am right" I laughed and we headed back to the kitchen.

"Sit there and don't touch anything, got it" I pointed at chairs and table.

"Got it, boss" he sit in the corner of the kitchen and watched me preparing our meal.

"So what's up?" I asked while cutting vegetables.

"Well...nothing much, I became your guardian and you're stuck with me for next 7 months, add on that I expect you to cook for me too"

I laughed on that.

"What's so funny? I am serious, I can't eat Ichiraku ramen anymore or some other instant meal" he argued a little:"And don't say again I need to settle down, because I am not like you two, I can't even take care of myself, but you guys will soon take care of little baby"

"To be honest, we still don't know how much we are ready for taking care of child" I said honestly.

"You shouldn't worry about it, I know Itachi my whole life and he's made to be a father, I knew that since first time I saw him holding Sasuke in his arms, and you are great with kids, I know how amazing pediatrician you are, so I already know that child will be happy to have parents as you two"

"Thank you Shisui, for everything"

"There's no need for that, you two are like my younger siblings, and as the oldest I am here to look after you two and make sure you guys are happy and safe"

When I made our breakfast I placed plate in front of Shisui and he wasn't even waiting for me to get myself plate with food.

"Breath, food won't run away" I laughed as I saw how much he enjoyed my cooking.

"Let me enjoy my food without anyone interupting me, let's just eat, we will talk later"

I laughed at him and let him enjoy my cooking, while I eat my meal. After 20 minutes we were done with eating and I took our plates and washed it.

"So tell me how your day look like" I found Shisui sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Usually I got up around 6 or 7 in the morning, sometimes I prepare breakfast for Itachi and bring it to him, then I usually do some housework, after that I train or go and do shift in hospital, then go home to prepare dinner for Itachi and myself, and that's pretty much the same everyday"

"So you will still do shift in hospital?"

"Yeah, but only for three or four hours, I still have to take care about baby I am caring and when I am at hospital I will be safe, so you will have free time"

"Are you sure you don't need me in the hospital?"

"What? You really think I would let you be in examination room with me, as much as I know you're not medic"

"Okay, I got it, but I will wait for you in front of the hospital after your shift"

We talked for a while and after that we had to leave for my shift.

When we came in front of Konoha's hospital Shisui made hand sign for him to dissapear, but before he was able to dissapear in puff of smoke I grabbed his hand.

"What was that for?" he asked me.

"I got you, both of you didn't got proper blood test in two years, so when we are here why wouldn't we do it?" I will talk with Itachi about this later today.

"A-akane,m-maybe next time, you know hokage called me and I r-really have to g-go"

"Don't you dare to lie to me, you won't escape, c'mon is big Uchiha Shisui scared of little pinch?"

"Please..." he beg.

"Nope, you're coming with me"


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