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After almost one and half month of keeping me here Danzo had enough, he couldn't wait any longer and he wanted my baby as soon as possible.

Last thing I remember was old and scary woman entering into the room I was locked and putting something in my IV, after that pain started being unbearable. For as much as I know she wasn't medic, she was self taught midwife Danzo hired for this.

I screamed again, I couldn't take this anymore.

"You should pray to survive this", she told me heartlessly.

"How can you do this?" I asked when one contraction passed.

"Oh my dear, for money of course, you are just one of the many girls who believed in love, but you should have taught about this when you married clan leader. Pray to survive this, because if you do, there's a chance that you won't be able to have another baby"

I felt weak and dizzy from blood loss, this wasn't normal. I studied with lady Tsunade and from what I know this shouldn't be happening. I could think of thousands of reasons why I felt like this and that is why I was so much scared.

I screamed again because paint was unbearable, I even had problems with breathing because of it.

Old woman was trying to hide it but she was panicking too.

"What's happening?" I asked as one contraction passed.

"It's none of your business" she hissed at me.

"If I die, baby is dying with me and if that happens Danzo will kill you" I said before another contraction started and I screamed in pain.

"I don't care about you, this is your fault after all, I was only paid to save a child, Danzo won't care if you die" she said as she put again something in my IV.

I could see her holding one of kunais and coming closer to my stomach, I tried to protect myself but I was unable to do that because of me being tied down and because of contraction which started at that moment.

"Please, stop it...!" I screamed in fear for my baby, I didn't care what will happen to me, but she wasn't trained to do any of this.

"You can yell and scream as much as you want, but no one is going to help you" she said as she started cutting open my stomach.

I screamed in agony, but soon I heard baby's cry and few tears fell down my face, at least he is alive. My baby is going to be okay.

I heard someone calling my name after that, but pain was too intense for me to handle, I saw old woman falling to the ground and someone taking baby from her. I recognized long black hair and mangekyou sharingan of my husband.

"Akane, I am here, everything is going to be fine, you are going to be okay" I heard Itachi's voice beside me but I couldn't see him, my vision showed me only darkness.

"Protect him, protect our son, I love you, both of you... Make sure he has happy childhood and always be there for him, no matter how busy or frustrated you may fill during some days, he comes first." I said as I felt coldness around me.

Is this how dying's feels like?



I prayed to find her, but now, seeing her lying in her own blood with our newborn crying son in my arms made me feel hopeless.

I took off my shirt and wrapped baby carefully with it. Then I took my wife's arm in mine.

I was calling and calling her name over and over again, but she didn't respond to any of it. Her pulse was weak and she barely breathed.

"Itachi, what happend here?!" lady Tsunade asked immidiately running to her.

"Is she...is she dead?" I asked but I wasn't ready for her answer. My wife couldn't be dead, I can't live without her by my side.

"She is barely breathing, but from what I see we need to prepare ourselfs for the worst..." she said as her hand with green chakra examined Akane.

Shizune ran into the room, looking shocked for a second, but in the next moment she turned to Tsunade:"What can I do?"

"Take the baby and Itachi out of the room, then check the baby and make sure he is okay. I will try everything I can to save her"

"No, I am not leaving." I protested.

'Yes, you are. I am going to start surgery and I don't need you in here crying and saying this was your fault. Take your son on the safe place, he needs you now.'


'Shizune, take him out...!' and with that Shizune pushed me out of the room. Once again I looked at Akane's pale face before I was out of the room.

"Few miles from here, there is the cave lady Tsunade and I used to spend the night while we were traveling, we will be safe there."

I nodded to her words, I just couldn't speak, still scared for my wife.

"Do you want me to carry him?", she offered.

"No." I brought my son closer to my chest, I am not leaving him unprotected never again.

It took us one and half our to get to the cave Shizune mentioned and I left my clones in front of the enter, just to be safe. Shizune came closer to me trying to take baby from me, but I instantly moved away.

"Itachi, calm down. I am just going to check him and wash him." She carefully took the baby from me.

I know Shizune is someone who I can completley trust, but I just had to carefully watch her every move.

After long twenty minutes she gave my son back to me.

"Congratulations, he is a healthy boy!"

At least he is healthy and safe, but I hope Akane will survive and recover too. She is love of my life and mother of my child, I can't imagine living without her.

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