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It's been two months since I found out I am pregnant and now I am four monts pregnant and everyone can notice it because of my big belly.

Elders are trying to forbid me to go in hospital and work, but after all they can't go against Itachi.

"Lady Akane, when is your baby coming?" one little girl asked me.

"In the begining of the spring" I smiled at her.

"I can't wait to meet her"

"Well we don't know if it's gonna be a girl..."

"No,it's gonna be a little girl and she's gonna be my best friend" girl said.

"But even if it's boy, you're still going to be friend with him, right?"

"But I am sure it's a girl"

"Izumi! Stop bothering lady Akane" girl's mother came to us and greeted me.

"No, she's not bothering me at all, we were just talking about my baby" I smiled.

"I am sure he or she will be great leader of our clan like lord Itachi and lord Fugaku"

"I hope so" I smiled.

"I am sorry, but we have to go" mother of young girl said.

"See you later" with that I continued my way to Police station to give Itachi his lunch.

When I gave him his lunch I wanted to help him with all that paperwork. With him time was flying and soon I headed back home to prepare dinner.

I decited to make ramen and some dangos, because I know how much he likes it.

"I am home!"

"Welcome back" I smiled and kissed him.

"Are that dangos?!"

"Yep, I made it just for you" I laughed at him, he tried to take one but I stoped him.


"You can't eat candies before actual dinner"

"But only one, just a little one"


"Why are you so cruel?" he looked at me:"You're acting like my mother and now I am grown up I can eat candies before actual meals"

"While I am your wife, you can't" I laughed.

"Now go and change, you have fifteen minutes"

"But after that I am gonna eat all that dangos you made"

"Of course"

I set tha table and we started eating, but suddenly we heard clan members panic.

Both of us jumped and headed out of the house to see what's happening.

Danzo and Roots AMBUs were in front of our house.

"I want to speak with your leader!"

"Danzo, what's this all about? Why are you here? You know the rules, you can't walk in my clans household with your AMBUs" Itachi asked angrilly and stood in front of me protectivly.

"I just wanted to inform you about something, your wife will give birth to that child and then you're gonna bring it to me for the sake of the village"

"You won't get my child" Itachi hissed and turned on his mangekyu sharingan.

"I will get that child for my ANBU forces"

"Are you going against whole Uchiha clan?!"

"I told you what will happen"

"And now I am telling you to back off, if you just try to touch my wife, I am gonna kill you!"

"Easy there, Uchiha, you know you're going against one of villages elders"

"And you're going against Uchiha who's stronger than Madara was"

"Big words for kid who is playing being a leader"

"You want to test that theory?"

"Danzo, leave now!" Fugaku hissed, I haven't even seen when he came:"You won't get Uchiha's heir, you can forget about it"

Danzo laughed:"We will see...", with that he and his AMBUs disappeared.

I fell onto my knees, tears falling down.

"Akane, please calm down, I won't let him do that, if I have to start a war with whole village I am going to do that, but I won't let him hurt you or our baby" he kneeled in front of me.

"Itachi, I am scared" I said honestly:"He's one of elders after all"

"You know what? I don't care, he can even be hokage, but I would never give up on my child without a fight, when we got married I promised you I will love you till the end and that I will protect you and I won't break that promise"

"Let's go back to our house" he said helping me to get up.

"Dad, call all members older than 15 who are jounins in the clan, we will have meeting tomorrow at 18pm" he turned to face Fugaku.

Fugaku just nodded and disappeard.

Itachi helped me to our room and brought me a glass of water.

"Itachi, I am scared for our child"

"Don't be, as long as I am alive no one will be able to hurt both of you, I am begging you to believe in me"

"If it comes to fight, I will kill him, I won't hide my true power"

The truth is I am not just half blooded Uchiha, my mother was half blooded Uzumaki, but that's secret which only I and my father knew, it would be dangerous for me if anyone in the village or even in the world knew this. The truth is my mangekyou sharingan isn't my only visual power.

Because I belive Itachi he knows this too.

"It won't come to that, you know how using mangekyou sharingan in pregnancy would affect on our baby" he told me, he knows that there always could be spies around us:"Please whatever happens, don't use IT"

He hugged me tightly:"I won't let anyone dangerous even close to you, I know you're strong, but please let me deal with this on my way, promise me you won't do anything reckles"

"Itachi, I love you with my whole heart but I won't let someone hurt this baby"

"Please, you would be doing that for our child's sake too"

"If it come to that, I promise I would wait you for two days, but if anyone try to take away my child from me, he or she will be death, end of discussion"


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