Best Friends Seperated

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If I know anything about 7th grade it's that BEST FRIENDS ALWAYS STICK TOGETHER! No no no, my school wasn't about THAT life. My best friend is named Elia but she prefers to be called Ally or Elliot (follower her @allylove24). She's in Binghamton-7. I'm in Cortland-7. After 3 years of being stuck like glue and paper, the school just rips us apart. Like school, "Y you gotta be so rude!? Don't You know I have a life too?!" And my life includes my best friend. When I heard Ally was is Binghamton... I almost cried. You can ask her if you want. Say Hi ally!! From Ally- Hayyyyyy!

Anyways back to me.

I think separating best friends is the worst, most cruel thing a human being is capable of. I mean who am I supposed to trust with my crushes?? Or my secret feelings?? The wall?? I need advice and she gives it, really good. You'd be surprised the amount of trouble I DIDNT go through because I had my bestie right by my side. If probably set myself on fire because of a joke: lolololololololrolflolol!!!! (But seriously people do die from that stuff, kids don't ever set yourselves on fire, what I said was a figure of speech, just a phrase). Ally is like my other half, if you minus Ally from Izzy, you get Izzy, and that's not good. getting the result of Izzy is a very dangerous move. Very dangerous. Which is why I need Ally to balance out my craziness. You can't blame me can you??

How I've been surviving without her? That's a good question, you see the title of this book?- Me, Myself and I... ask all three of them, they'll give you the same answer: I don't even know. I'm barely able to think straight, what makes these people think I'm gonna make it into Next Year without my best friend with me?? They must've been eating something high, because the trouble I'm gonna get into, without my best friend to help me, is there fault. Not mine, at all. Not even a little. All there's... Not mine. 😁😁 okay it's partially my fault, but you'll see. Just wait. Juuuust wait.

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