Im Sorry

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I felt it was best that I show my condolences. I never really got to say "goodbye" to Joe. He passed away maybe about a month ago, and a part of me needed to write this.
Joe considered me a cyber best friend. He told me things he won't tell other people. He also tried to get me happy whenever I was upset. And for that I miss him. It's not like I loved him but I loved him as a friend.
I'll admit I barely know him but... he's a part of my life I can't forget about. Before he passed the last thing he told me to do for him was to be his best friend. He begged me too. He was so happy and excited and I couldn't resist saying no to him because usually he isn't that happy.
That was the last time I heard from him. No more good mornings. No more hey wats up. There was literally a dead silence. That was until Ally texted me about Joes twin brother Jose. At first, Joes death and a magical twin brother sounded like bullshit but then I realized it was real.

Joe was gone. He wasn't coming back. He's gone. And I still don't know how to accept that. I just feel so bad about it. That night I'll never forget it. A week before his death, the last words from him:

"Your my best friend :D"

Dear Joe,
Considero que un mejor amigo. sí que probablemente sólo conocimos pero eso no importa. en un primer momento que no te lo confío a mierda, pero ahora sí. me duele más que nada que no he tenido que decir adiós a usted.
Joe, te echo de menos. Echo de menos la forma en que me molesta de las cosas más pequeñas. cómo actuaste como si fueras más joven que yo me doy poder sobre ti. Echo de menos todo eso. ¿por qué tienes que dejarme así? Sé que probablemente piensa que apenas te conozco y esto es inútil, pero no lo es. sí bien. Te voy a dar una respuesta. Voy a ser tu mejor amigo. Voy a calmarse cuando su triste. Voy a hablar con usted cuando te sientes solo. Yo te recuerdo, incluso cuando su nunca olvidado. Lo siento por todas las cosas malas que he dicho. perdóname por no creer en ti. im joe lo siento. te echo de menos ...

*For those who do not understand the Hispanic language:

Dear Joe,
I consider you a best friend. Yes we probably only met a while ago but that does not matter. At first I didn't trust you for shit but now I do, and it hurts me more than anything that I haven't said goodbye to you.
Joe, I miss you man. I miss the way that you bothered me about the smallest things, how you acted like you were younger than me to give me power over you. I miss all that. Why did you have to leave me like this? I know you probably think I barely know and this is useless, but it is not. Yes okay, I'll give you an answer. I'll be your best friend. I'll calm down you when your sad. I'll talk to you when you feel alone. I remember you, even when your never forgotten. Sorry for all the bad things I said and please forgive me for not believing in you. Joe I'm sorry. I miss you ...

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