Me and My Broken Heart

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**Hey guys sorry it's been forever.... Here's my new chapter, hope you guys aren't mad at me for taking so long. At a lot happened**

So, um. I am heartbroken, yes. And let me tell you why:

Dylan asked me to be his girlfriend again and as myself would, I said yes. I already knew not to tell anybody before he said not to because I knew the relationship wasn't gonna last long. It only lasted 2 days. It's pretty sad. Remember I told you about his sweet side? Yeah it only appears when your his girlfriend. I wish I had screenshots those messages but I only have the bad ones.

When he told me he wanted to break up, I wasn't a bit surprised. I was actually waiting for it. He said and I quote, "Your too boring to be with". I laughed at that actually. Because he was too stupid to realize the real reason: He never wanted to be with me in the first place. He was using me. And I realized that and used him back. For some reason texting a boy constantly gets on their nerves so I texted Dylan every 3 hours. At 6 pm, I'd text him and he'd say he was busy. At 9 pm, I'd text him again and would say he was sleeping. I got fed up with his little act so I started to care less and less and less and less and less.....

Today, at 6:58 pm exactly, he texted me saying he didn't want to date anymore. I told him that I had a feeling he was and I was fine. But then he got an attitude and started acting fresh. He said to me that he didn't care about me anymore and that he wanted to be single. I didn't really care anyways because I didn't need him in my life. He was just a phase.... just a phase..... phase... and...... it's over.

So now, I'm dating myself now (which means I'm single) and frankly, it's actually healing for faster than I thought. I spoke to my two closest sisters on this topic: Ally and Jenelle. Jenelle and I are actually planning on getting vengeance (revenge) on him which is super exciting (comment any ideas!). Ally and I decided that Dylan was just a plain dick and He wasn't good enough so I didn't need him. As far as missing him... I think i should lay off on the dating. Dating has gotten me into enough trouble, and I feel like it's gonna get me into more. Hopefully I can pull it together soon enough.

Something I'm actually really worried about is Science class. I sit next to him then and I'm not in the mood to be getting an attitude. I didn't ask for all his bullshittyness so he shouldn't be acting like that. I might just ask to move my seat to benefit myself. I just don't need this to be the war between to sexes but I think that's what it had come to. If I don't win this, I'll be humiliated for the rest of the 7th grade, I just know that people are going to find out. I can feel it in my gut. Oh god... What the hell is Junior High School doing to me?

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