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Faded, faded, faded. I just wanna fade away from this world one day at a time. Right now there's just too much shit going on and it's fuckin ridiculous.
Jenelle and Irem were best friends and you know what happens? They have an argument about being a real emo and a fake emo. What the fuck?? First of all both you, why the fuck are you guys emo anyways??? When you "cut" yourself you laugh about and tell me "look, look what I did lol". Are you fuckin kidding me??? You think it's cool to dig into your blood stream and kill yourself? What happens when your really dead? You never come back. You can't come back after that, it's a one way ticket to hell for you. You think that I don't care about you but yet I do.
Both of you need to cut it out and shut the fuck up about this emo shit. I wish I could slap it out of you because it's not you. I don't care how much black you wear, or how depressed you think you are, because your not. Being emo isn't about gettin fuckin attention. The reasons you have for being emo is pure bullshit. You think being emo has to do with cutting yourself to see blood. Huh? That's what it's all about? Cutting and cutting away until your no more!! Being emo is a real fuckin thing. People who are emo have WAYYYYY better reasons for being that way:

-They don't cut themselves for enjoyment
-They're emo because maybe if you think about it, they don't have what you have. They don't have both parents to come home to. They don't get whatever they want. They don't have people who care about them.
-They try and commit suicide
-They tell no one about who they are, they keep to themselves
-They don't show off cuts and be like "oh look lol this was like maybe 3 months ago lol"

You guys need to fuckin fix yourself. I can't look at you in the face and tell you that I'm okay with it. You know it's not right. You know your doing for no reason. Why? You think you'll be happy when your dead. Hunny being dead isn't a beautiful thing. What are your mother and father gonna think? Obviously you probably didn't tell them about your "emotality", so they're gonna think they were bad parents.
And what about your friends?? You think you have no friends? Are you fuckin blind or something??? You shade everyone out because you don't realize that everyone cares about you. How are they gonna feel. You guys type of emo is way off. Fix your act because you both are acting like babies and I'm not down with that. You may think I know nothing about this but, before anything I was emo myself and I stopped. Because it's not worth it. You guys can't keep living fake emos, it's not cool to cut yourself for amusement. There's no good in it. You want a solution? Why don't you write. Write it all down. And while you do that, cry. Cry everything away. You know why I'm saying this? Because I'm crying right now. Not for me, for you. Because I pity you. Stop this bullshit. I don't like this new you.

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