Chapter 5

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Rithika pov :

I went to home and remember mom told me that ram family left after breakfast so I think maa and rahul is present in house.

I entered living room saw maa was reading some book and Rahul was watching something on t.v I went there and throw my bag on another sofa and sat beside rahul.

Today house was so quiet which made me think what actually is going on. I looked at rahul he signalling me to not talk anything I don't know why.

Maa closed book and kept aside and looked at me sweetly I think she want something from me I narrowed my eyes then dad also came and sat beside Maa I looked at rahul he just look away.

"Ritu how was the day" dad asked "fine dad in fact I want to tell you guys something very big" I said excitedly "we also want to say something to you" dad said both maa and dad eyes are twinkling with happiness.

What made them happy!

"Okay first you tell" Maa said "Maa prathap sir take me as his assistant for his next case" I said excitedly they both looked happy and congratulated me.

"Okay now you both tell me what made you so happy" I asked them rahul coughed looking at me I don't understand what his problem.

"We found a match for you" Maa said leaving me in shock.

"What?" I asked my voice came as whispered I looked at rahul he didn't said anything I was so shocked soon I composed myself.

"I don't want to marry" I said but they exchange looks and smiled at me "if we told you who is he you would jump in happiness" maa said clapping her hands I rolled my eyes.

They are telling me like they found my dream boy! Hufff

"Who?" I asked I have not interested but I have some curiosity they looked at me with lot of happiness "it's jai" they both said in unison.

"What!" I yelled and stand up rahul was closing his ears "hey! Sis stop yelling in my ear" he said irritatedly.

Who cares here my life was going to destroy but he talk about his ears!

"No dad I am not going to marry him never,ever in my life" I said cross my arms to my chest "but you both like each other we see it" ma said "what makes you think like that" I asked raised my eyebrows still not believe how can they decide without knowing my opinion on him.

"See ritu, morning after you left Latha and me talked sometime and latha suddenly ask your hand for Jai, we both also decided he is best for you" ma said and cupped my cheeks.

"We always want our children happiness ritu, before anything happen to me I want to see both my children happiness" ma said a long tear slipped from her eyes "ma don't say like that" I said my voice cracked.

Tears formed in my eyes I hugged ma tightly.

How can I say no to their wish after all they are my parents but how can I marry Ram he will hate me for this

Ma pulled me back and wipe my tears "we don't force you into this we respect your decision but think about us also, latha will definitely take care you and Jai also we both see in his eyes he cares for you" ma said dad also smiling.

I look rahul he nodded his head "I want some time" I said and pick my bag and went to my room I jumped on my bed looking into ceiling.

If this marriage works ma and dad would happy and aunty uncle also

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