Chapter 29

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Jai pov :

Why can't adhir leave my rithi what he want from her!

"Jai relax" dad patted my shoulder "how can I relax dad today I almost lost her again" I said putting my head in my hands "Jai you save her before anything can happened" Ravi said.

"But what if I can't, I can't protect her every time" I said closed my eyes "how is she" dad asked after sometime "I told her to concentrate on her studies I don't want this effect on her dream" I said rubbing my face with my palms.

"Jai can I talk to you for a minute" naina asked coming into study room I nodded "Jai i am sorry it's my fault she told me not go but I force her" she said a tear slipped from her eyes.

I felt guilty for behaving like that with rithi I walked towards naina and hug her she sobbed I rubbed her back "shh.... it's okay I know it's not your fault" I said "and ritu also" she said sniffing I chuckled how they love each other.

"Okay both of you but you have to be safe that's what all I want" I said wiping her tears.

She nodded "please don't shout at her" she said I nodded "haa I came here to tell you about randhir" she said I looked at her "how do you know him" I asked her confusingly.

"I told you a guy is talk to me" she asked I nodded "he is randhir" she said I shocked "that means he try to reach rithi through you" I said "maybe" she said I fisted my palms.

How dare he to reach rithi through my sister I will kill him

"Jai calm down" ravi said "is he was in our control?" I asked him he nodded I told ravi to keep randhir at our place he is the only source to reach adhir since police was trying to track him but they couldn't.

"You go and take rest" dad said I nodded and went to our room I saw rithi was sleeping in sofa she held book close to her she is wearing spectacles.

I smiled and went near to her and take spectacles and put them on table and take book out from her grip and lift her in my arms put her in bed cover with blanket I caressed her cheeks.

When I got to know that she and naina went outside i was very worried about them when I saw randhir point knife to rithi's neck my heart nearly stopped then I realise how much important she is to me but she cross my words that makes me anger.

I shouted at her I can't control my anger I know naina force her she was very stubborn rithi can deny her but she choose danger I can't loose my sister and my wife, my family is my life.

I never let rithi leave alone when I went to abroad I make sure her security she don't know about this I never let her get harm. I looked at her innocent face kissed her cheeks.

When she said she want me, she wants that I am believe her, she wants my love to her, her words toucher me I can't avoid her but I am still angry on her if she listen to me first today she will never face this situation.

I want to give a surprise to rithi after her exams finished, I don't want these things effect on her studies her dream.

I pecked her lips and laid beside her I want her to be strong not weak I wanted to be her strength not weaknesses.

I maintain some space between us and turn another side and closed my eyes......


When I woke up I saw it's five in the morning i look at rithi she was half lay on me I smiled and unwrapped her grip on me.

I went to bathroom after I freshen up I went to my personal gym. I spent an hour in gym, and went back to room saw rithi is still sleeping I bathed and came back to room and getting ready for office.

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