Chapter 33

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Jai pov :

I looked at rithi she was sleeping like baby her cheeks are wet I rub my thumb on her cheeks I hurt her yelling at her but i was in bad mood I don't like to lash out on her. Anika give me a clue about adhir but I can't discuss it with rithi.

"Sorry selfie for yelling at you" i whispered and kissed her cheek rub my knuckles on her soft cheeks "I know I hurt you but I want to see you happy" I said and kissing her forehead.

"Please don't mad at me" I said and kissed her nose one last time I pecked her lips she open her eyes "I'll forgive you" she said.

"You awake" I asked "yes" she said give me her beautiful smile "from when" I asked "from starting" she said "why didn't you open your eyes" I asked her caressing her cheeks.

"Because I want to know how you apology" she said "oh so sorry" I said kissing her forehead "I forgiven you but what are you hiding from me ram" she asked me.

I can't tell her, if I told her she maybe stressing herself, i looked at her innocent eyes "nothing" I said "then why are you went away while talking to anika I don't like it" she said pouting I smiled.

"It's nothing selfie just a normal conversation I don't want to disturb you so I went away" I said she stare at me sometime "then why are you shout at me" she asks I saw hurt in her eyes it was pained me to see.

"I was in bad mood so I avoid you what if I lash out on you that's why but you keep nagging me" I said "oh" she said "so someone is jealousy" I teased her.

"Yes I am jealousy or call what ever you want but I don't like it when someone is close to you" she said I laughed "someone or some girl" I asked.

She smiled "no, I don't like it when I was far away from you and someone is close to you. I was scared for loosing you" she said hugged me tightly i smiled and caressed her hair "I never leave you if you accepted or not" I said she snuggled close to my chest.

"Selfie do you have any wishes like you wanted to do it but couldn't" I asked her she think sometime "yes I have lot of but" she said I put my finger on her lips "no buts after your exams over we plane this okay" I asked her she smiled and kissed my finger "now sleep" I stroke her hair she slept in my arms.

I love you selfie

I want to say but I couldn't I don't know what she felt for me I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes.....


"I was so nervous what if I can't score good" rithi said pacing around room. From tomorrow her exams going to start.

"Don't worry rithi" I said and pulled her made her sat beside me these days she behave all shy with me and lost in her thoughts when I asked her she said nothing she behave differently with me.

After she complete her revision I made her sleep it was midnight I went to kitchen for water bottle I saw dad was coming going to upstairs.

"Dad you didn't sleep yet" I asked he smiled "nothing I am going and why are you not sleeping" he asked "because of your daughter-in-law, just now I made her sleep she was scared for her exams" I said he laughed.

"Jai take care of her she was so innocent to understand this peoples and society" he said "I will dad but I was fearing of loosing her we still don't know where is adhir I can't let her go out it was too dangerous and nowadays she was telling me someone is watching her when she stands in balcony" I said rubbing my face with my hands.

"Yeah Jai I too felt someone when I was in balcony but not to my room and if I look at there no one is present I think we have to tightened security" he said I nodded he give me a hug "go and sleep" he patted my back I nodded.

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