Chapter 34

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Jai pov :

'Ram I completed my exams'

Rithi shouted over phone I laughed

'Yes chatter box'

'Can you tell me what is my surprise'

'Not know okay listen I won't able to come to pick you so I asked nitish to drop you at home'

'Okay we will meet'

'Don't go anywhere, straight went to home and give phone to nitish'

'Why! don't you trust me'

'Not in this matter so shut up and give phone to him'

'Okay Mr. Attitude'

'Hello jai'

'Nitish if you don't mind can you drop rithi at home'

'Don't need to ask I will do it'

'Okay bye and don't take her anywhere'

'Okay bye'

'Mr. attitude I am going'

'Okay Miss chatter box'

I cut the call smilingly

"So what makes you smile" vikas asked smirking i roll my eyes "nothing" I said "oh okay then" he said smiled "sara after this meeting I am not going to come office for two weeks" I said she nodded she was looking sad.

Vikas was not glancing at her he would at least talk to her whenever he came. After she left "so what happened why are you so cold to sara" I asked him.

"Nothing" he said "liar tell me truth" I said he sighed "Okay she offered friendship I denied" he said.

"what the hell man how can you reject, she was very nice girl" I said "that's why I denied I don't want to creat feelings anymore" he said his voice was pained.

"Vikas please it's been years please move on from her" I said he didn't said "see vikas life give us so many chances but we don't know what is it value please give a chance" I said.

"No Jai I can't" he said put his head in his hands "Vikas I don't force you but please don't push when love comes for you" I said he looked lost I left to meeting.

I hope he will understand the value of love, if he become happy I am the most happiest person in this world I want my best friend happiness


I completed my work and went to my room vikas already left I was finishing some papers I heard door knock I said come in when I look at the person my heart just dropped I was shocked.

What she is doing here ?

"Rithi what are you doing here" I asked her getting up from my seat.

Rithika pov :

I told nitish to drop me at ram office I stepped out from car as nitish left I went inside and went to receptionist she was typing something on system.

"Excuse me" I called she lift her gaze to me her eyes widened "ma'am good afternoon" she said stand up.

"Good afternoon.. can I know where is ram floor" I asked her she looks nervous "yes ma'am" she said when a girl approached she was looking maybe in twenties.

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