Chapter 20

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Rithika pov :

"Ritu" naina shouted and hugged me tightly I hugged her back "how are you my sister-in-law" she teased I pouted.

"Oh-ho you look beautiful" she said looking at my attire I blushed "thank you" I mumbled "what are you doing here" I asked her.

"I came here to take your haldi as a groom's sister" she said I smiled we went downstairs maa made me sit in centre everyone is start applying haldi on me after that naina left to her home.

I was damn tired we take lot of pictures rahul was looking very tired but he managed I worried about him.

Rashi took me to my room and she helped me to remove my jewellery "ah.... I am damn tired" I said untying my hair from bride.

Rashi got a phone call when she saw caller ID she blushed looking at screen "who is the person rashi that made you blush" i teased she hit my head with pillow and went outside.

I smiled and took out a dress and take a warm shower I came out drying my wet hair maa came "ritu go and check your wedding dress" she said arranging jewellery.

"And also check it will fits you or not and take rashi or nitish with you don't go alone anywhere" she said i nodded.

I give my wedding dress for some stitches since it's beautiful but a bit lose for me so I gave it.

I inform rashi about this and I got ready and went downstairs saw rashi was nowhere to found I went to garden for searching her.

An idea popped in my mind "rashi come on we have to go" I shouted but no response "nitish leave her if we get late i will told maa that because of you we are getting late" I threatened them.

Rashi run towards me her face was red I smirked at her nitish followed her with scowl face I laughed "you're enjoying this right" he said taking long steps towards me.

"No nitish not this time" I take steps back he smirked "when your time comes I will tease death of you" he said dangerously.

I turn around and start run nitish chased me I ran and hide behind rahul "pumpkin come out" nitish said.

I poked my tongue out "hey bro leave my sis" rahul said I came from his back rahul put his arm around my shoulder and smiled at me sweetly and throw me at nitish.

Nitish catches me this was happen in split seconds I looked at both they hi fi each other I glared at them.

I struggled but nitish held my arms tightly "leave me" I yelled he smirked "maa" I yelled loudly then nitish leave me maa come outside "maa see nitish didn't let me go" I said.

Maa came and pulled nitish ear he glared me "don't think I forget you rahul I'm waiting for your time" i said he ran inside.

"Aunty please leave me your daughter is disturbed my space" nitish whined like kid "what space nitish" I teased he got tensed and maa looked at us.

"Should I tell maa about what are you talking" I asked innocently and winked at him he laughed nervously and glared at me.

"What are you talking about ritu" maa asked confusingly I smiled sheepishly "actually I disturbed nitish and rashi rom—" before I complete my sentence nitish cut me.

"Actually aunty we are discussing about arrangements" he said giving me glare I laughed "ritu stop wasting your time" maa said sternly and went inside rashi came smilingly...


"Ahh... how much time it takes" I groaned we stuck in traffic from past one hour I turn air conditioner on rashi was driving,

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