Chapter 17

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Rithika pov :

"Argh!!! My head is hurting" I said holding my head in my palms "then don't think about it" rashi said casually.

I looked at her "how can you say that rashi, someone is try to trap naina" I said shook my head "it's nothing like that ritu you are over thinking maybe her friends pull a prank on her she also take like that" rashi said I sighed and sipped my fifth coffee.

Me and rashi sitting in collage canteen we have noting much classes today yesterday Prathap sir said he informed to police they coming to collage I was waiting for them.

I looked at door nitish came smiling at me he came and kissed rashi cheek "guys I am still here please can you two consider you're in public" I said holding my head nitish glared at me rashi blushing I roll my eyes they both chuckled

I am hell irritated here but these guys are enjoying!!

I don't know what ram doing

Did I say ram?

I don't know what happened to me I was constantly thinking about ram he didn't called me since yesterday I try to call him but my ego stop me

"Hello madam come out from your romantic thoughts" nitish snapped his fingers I came from my thoughts looking around.

"Attender said dean want your presence" he said drinking his juice i collect my things said bye to them and went to dean room.

I knocked door twice as i hear faint come in, I push door and saw police officers and prathap sir and dean were sitting there.

I went inside "sir you called me" I asked he nodded "yes rithika, prathap sir said you want to talk about naveen chatterjee's case" he asked "yes sir I have some doubt on someone" I said.

Sir gestured me to take a seat I did "so Ms.Rithika what do you want to talk" one officer asked I looked at Prathap sir he encouraged me.

"I am doubting that Naveen's brother adhir" I said they looked at me doubtfully I told them whole story they understood.

"Okay Ms.Rithika we will think about this" officer said I nodded and came out from that room and leaving for home.

Collage was already over, I was lost in my thoughts that i didn't notice that someone was following me I turn around to look but no one is there.

I shrugged my thoughts, today I didn't bring my scooty it was repaired rahul dropped me I have car also but it was also repaired I don't know what happens to my vehicles today.

Since nitish and rashi coming together they are offered me lift but I refused I don't want to disturb the love birds after all they hardly got chance to spend time together.

I stopped at near bus stand there is less people waiting for bus, a car stopped at front of me window scroll down I looked.

"If you don't mind can I drop you at your place Ms." he asked smirking at me "sorry since I am engaged so I am pushing these types of things you know my fiancé was a egoistic man" I said twirling my hair around my finger.

"Oh, I will talk later with your egotistical fiancé" he said winked at me I groaned "oh we will see that" I said.

"So please sit in car angry bird" he said I frustrated and I am so angry on him "ram please stop I am angry on you" I said getting into car he didn't said anything.

I huffed he start car and drive to another direction I didn't mind to ask him I was very tired so I closed my eyes for sometime.

Car stopped with jerk I came out from my nap I looked at ram angrily why he stopped car with jerk he was clenched his jaw his grip on steering was tight his knuckles were white.

I followed his gaze I was also shocked looking at that person, my hand automatically gripped ram another hand tightly ram about to got down from car but I stopped him he looked at me.

"Please ram I don't want you to hurt again please" i pleaded him he didn't convince I know he has to chose his ego or me he let out a sigh i looked at adhir who was looking at me with pleading eyes I can't take chance to this person.

"Ram please let's go" I said he looked at me and start car I don't want to talk about this.

Sun was setting down car stopped at somewhere I can't see from here I got down confusingly ram came to my side and suddenly closed my eyes with his palms.

I don't understand "ram what are you doing" I asked him " you trust me" he whispered from behind I shivered when his breath touched my neck.

"Yes more than anyone" I said my voice came as whisper he chuckled and directed me somewhere and stopped.

"Leave your sandals here" he said I did what he said when I touched something smooth like sand I confused he again directed me I heard waves sound.

I think i know where we are he removed his hands from my eyes I slowly open my eyes trying to adjust lighting when I clearly saw everything.

We were in beach wide smile spread on my face I turn look around Ram was looking at me smilingly.

I love beaches but I didn't came here for longtime because of busy schedules I hugged him and he too hugged me back.

I put my head on his chest "thank you so much ram" I said after sometime we spend here it was dark I yawned "let's go you look tired" ram said I nodded my head in response my eyes are going to close.

I got up but suddenly ram lifted me in bridal style I screamed "oh women stop screaming" he said start walking.

I encircled my arms around his neck in tight grip "put me down ram" I said he didn't said anything just walking I rolled my eyes and put my face in crock of his neck.

When we are becoming in this close? why I am being to comfortable in his touch?

And mainly he left his love of his life that is his ego for me I mean he give more importance to his ego either than anyone.

I know ram for years he was not like this he also controlled his anger, and he also said sorry to me.

Is he changing himself for me


Am I overthinking????

I don't know when my eyelids become heavy and closed.....


Hello everyone!!!

What do you think Jai is changing for ritu or her imagination??

Is adhir really love rithika ?

Tell me in comments

Hope you enjoy the story!!!!

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Bye!!!! 😊😊😊

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