Chapter 42

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I was receiving lot of love from you guys

Thanks for showing your love and support

Sooo here is the chapter!

Jai POV:

"Selfie" I patted her cheeks but she didn't open her eyes "I called doctor" dad informed I lifted her in my arms and take her to our bedroom.

I laid her in bed, she was looking pale her lips are dried I was worried what happening to her I hope she will fine.

I hold her hand "she was throwing up from 2 days" naina said I look at her "then why didn't you not told me and did you consult doctor" I asked.

"Ask your stubborn wife" she said doctor came she was my friend in school she start checking her.

"Can you wait outside" she said we nodded and left outside wait for her. After sometime she came outside smilingly I was confused.

Why the hell she was smiling

"Jai nothing wrong with her" she said I relieved she was okay.

"And I have some good news" she said I confused "what" I asked she smiled
"Congratulations you are going to be father" she said.

I take a minute to register what she told I was in cloud nine "really" I asked her she nodded.

"Your wife is pregnant" she said I thanked her and went inside I saw my selfie was still not open her eyes.

I went to her and sat on bed I caressed her cheeks she open her eyes slowly and looked at me confusingly.

"What happened" she asked I take her hands and kissed it she looked confused

I put my hand in her flat belly she took time and I think she understand next minute she was crying holding my hand that placed in her belly her eyes was showing happiness.

I pulled her into hug she sobbed I rubbed her back "is it real" she asked "Yes you are going to be mom" I said she snuggled into my neck .

"I love you" she said I smiled "I love you too" i said kissed her forehead she looked at with so much love.

We hear knock and soon everyone came and congratulated us naina was jumping she and grandma was start searching names for baby.

I watched my family my love she was looking so happy.

"Doctor said you have to go to hospital for check up" dad said. Everyone left I watched my selfie she was drinking milk with a scowl face mom was told her sternly.

"Ram I can't drink this" she pouted I smiled and kissed her pout and made her drink.

After she finish drinking she ran to bathroom i followed her she throw up everything I rubbed her back.

She washed her face she was not able to stand I pick her in my arms and laid her in bed she pulled me on bed.

I pulled her close to me I kissed her forehead "sleep" I said she snuggled into my neck.


"Ram" she called I open my eyes she was looking at me "what happened selfie" I asked her she smiled "nothing" she said and kissed my cheeks I smiled.

I raised her top, I put my hand in her flat belly "You know I can't believe that I am going to be mom" she said excitedly I smiled I kissed her belly she giggled.

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