Chapter 43

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Rithika pov :

I caressed my flat belly smilingly I look at ram he was sleeping peacefully

One life is inside me, I am going to go mom

I was so happy when ram said I was pregnant I don't know how to react, I sat leaning on headrest I was hungry I look at time it was 3 o'clock.

"Ram" I called he stirred and again slept "Ram" I again shake him he open his eyes and look at me confusingly.

"What happens selfie" he asked sitting up "I am hungry" I pouted he smiled and kissed my pout.

"What you want" he asked "let me think" I said and start thinking "Ice cream" I said he narrowed his eyes "no" he simply said "Please" I pleaded with my puppy eyes "no" he said.

"please please" I continuesly said he sighed "okay I will bring it" he said and went downstairs I smiled widely.

I waited for 25 mins but he didn't come I was about to get down from bed I hear door sound he held a tub of chocolate ice cream smiling at me,

He give it me I start eating my ice cream "why are you take this much time" I asked while eating "there is no ice cream in fridge so I went to buy it" he said I look at him.

"Thank you" I said and kissed his cheeks he smiled I feed him also we ate ice cream.

"Selfie stop you eat too much" he said and take my ice cream I pouted "I was only half eaten" I said.

"What you eat half of tub" he said and left to put that in fridge. He came back I didn't talk to him I was angry I laid and pull blanket till my head.

"Selfie" he called me I didn't move "okay sorry" he said I peeked from blanket he was holding his ears.

I laughed he smiled and kissed my nose put his forehead on mine "you know you eat lot of ice cream" he said "no it's not me maybe your son" I said.

"How can you tell it was boy maybe it could me my princess" he said "we will see it" I challenged him he smirked.

"Okay know let me congratulate you properly" he said before I could think it he kissed me passionately.

I pull him more to me kissed him back he start kissing my neck opening shirt buttons.


"Ritu" I hear grandma voice I open my eyes she was smiling "darling" I said sitting up "come eat your breakfast, Jai left early today for an important meeting" she said I look at time it was eight in the morning.

I rubbed my eyes walking into bathroom, after I was done with my bath. I went to downstairs I saw mama was talking with some women she was in mid fifties and I don't know her.

When mama saw me she called me to come near her I went towards her "neelima, she is rithika, Jai's wife" mama said I smiled at her but she didn't smiled back.

"Ritu she is neelima, jai's aunty, mom's sister daughter" mama said "Oh you are the ritu" she said I could tell, her voice was telling me hater.

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