Chapter 14

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Rithika pov :

Ram was the only one whom I can trust blindly:

I didn't know when I first meet him, he was more important to me today

I don't want to past repeat itself!!!

Today I saw him after two years I don't want him to enter my life again when ram is made my life happy!!

That day when I meet him I don't know today I will regret to help him and make friendship with him.

When ram already warn me about him but I disobey him I made a big mistake that day....

Two years before.........

After i talk with ram I went to my class as i heard a new second year student transfer here.

I sat on my usual place today nitish was not came I saw madam introduced the new student to class.

"Hello everyone this is Adhir Chatterjee he is transferred to here" madam introduced him he was looking like lost and he was not able to mingle to anyone.

Adhir sat on his place that was beside me I smiled at him he was just looking down like if he smile that was big crime.

I shrugged and listened class after that we went to lab in whole day adhir was not talking to anyone.

At lunch adhir came to canteen he was look around when his eyes fell one me I signalled him to sit with me.

Rashi looked at me questioningly I smiled at her adhir sat with us awkwardly he didn't talk with us just eating his food.

I cleared my throat "hi, i am rithika" I extended my hand he looked at me and my hand, shake his hand with me.

"Hi, I am adhir" he said shyly "and this is rashi" I introduced he said 'hi' but he didn't shake his hand with her.

I confused, after lunch we went to class. After collage I went to parking lot and start my scooty I saw adhir outside.

I went towards him he looked at me and smiled "hey! Why are you standing here" I asked looking around.

"My bus was not came" he said "if you don't mind can I drop you at your place" I asked I know giving lift to a stranger was not a good idea but he seems so innocent and I didn't mind, he looked sometime and smiled.

He sat behind me maintaining some distance I smiled and start my scooty as I dropped at his home.

It was not far away from my house I saw it was small yet simple house he invited me inside I don't know why but I had not feeling good with him moving friendly.

So I said I have work and have to go and I start my scooty he looked a bit sad but I have no choice.

I told ram and nitish, rashi about adhir ram looked at me sometime "I think you have to maintain some distance from him I don't know I have not get good vibes from him" he said sternly.

I roll my eyes I know I am also feeling this way but adhir also human he also expect a friends I argue with them.

I also introduced adhir to them, They also move happy with him but adhir didn't like it. Days are moving so fast it's already One month I meet adhir.

One day I forced ram to take me to beach he accepted nitish and rashi also came.

While we eating ice cream I saw adhir was coming towards us he was looking angry i have feeling that something bad going to happen.

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