Chapter 10

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Rithika pov :

Why god! Why every time I got embarrassed because of this ram!

Surly I will kill him one day or I'll kill myself.

"Hey ritu come out from your dreamland" naina waved her hand in my face I look around everyone is looking at me like I have two heads.

I saw food is already came and everyone is enjoying but this idiot didn't take his hand off me.


I slowly put my hand under table and pinched his hand he just look at me and winked.

That's it! He was not reacting?

I looked at him with wide eyes he continued what he is doing. I put my elbows in table and held my chin not eating anything.

"What happened ritu, Why are you not eating anything, are you not feeling well" maa throw questions on me.

"Nothing maa I am fine, excuse me I just come back" I said and get up and went to washroom.

I saw my self in mirror my cheeks are tomato red I wash my face and wipe it. I look at myself one more time.

Why ram is behaving like this!

Did he hit his head somewhere?

I walk through a long empty corridor, I was so lost in my thoughts that suddenly I bumped into a wall I rubbed my forehead it's hurting, I again start walking, again I hit something hard but this wasn't feel like a wall.

Why on earth today I hit my head every time! Is this day is a hitting day!

I was about to fall back a hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me I looked at that person it was none other than ram who always help me to not falling.

He pulled me to his chest "what are you doing here" I asked try to avoid my thoughts that disturb me when ram is around me.

"To continue what we left in trail room" he said winking at me i looked at him with wide eyes he leaned on me i back away my face his another hand came and held my back of neck for not moving.

His face was inch away I could feel his breath on my lips I close my eyes and clutched his shirt but I didn't feel anything I opened my eyes he was smirking at me.

Is he playing with me?

How dare he!!!

I push his chest but his grip on my waist was tightened "leave me you idiot" I said and hit his chest he laughed.

Suddenly he stopped laughing and looked at me intensely, he tugged my hair stands back of my ear I shivered under his touch.

"You look cute when you are in angry" he said smiling at me he kissed my cheeks and loosened his grip.

I didn't move an inch I like to being close to him he looked at me I don't know what put in my mind I just hugged him tightly wrapping my hands around his neck he also immediately hugged me back.

What happen to me why I want close to him!



"Get a room guys" I heard some girl voice saw her winking at us and left i blushed blushing hide my face in his chest.

We look at each other and burst into laughing after a long time I laughed with him I was staring at him.

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