Chapter 13

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Rithika pov :

I held nitish hand and stopping him before he went towards towards him "nitish please" I pleaded him.

Nitish glared at him and hold my hand and start walking to rashi house before we enter inside I stoped nitish he looked at me confusingly.

"Don't tell this to ram" I said he understood what I said "but he has to know" he said rubbing his temples "please nitish if ram knows he become angry I don't want him to get hurt again" I said tears popped in my eyes nitish nodded his head.

We went inside and meet uncle and aunty, rashi was looking very happy after dinner we sat on living room aunty and uncle went to their room for sleep it was already late.

We three sat in sofa "what happened why are you guys silent since when you came" rashi asked looking dead serious.

"I saw him again" I said looking at floor I was edge of crying I don't want to past to repeat.

Rashi eyes widened she came to my side and hugged me I couldn't control my tears so i let out and i start sobbing loudly.

Nitish explain what happened after he finished telling rashi what happen he and rashi hugged me tightly I wipe my tears "so you don't want ram know about this" rashi asked I nodded.


We bid bye to rashi, nitish came with me to my home I saw front door was locked I was confused and I forget my phone in my room.

I looked at nitish he give me his phone I smiled and take his phone and called to maa she pick up the last ring.

"Hello ma where are you"

"Ritu we came to your aunty house she was sick so we decided to stay this night here and rahul was also with us we tried to call you but you forgot your phone in house" maa said I looked at nitish

"I kept keys at our spot make sure lock all the doors and sleep" maa said I sighed

"Okay maa bye"

I cut the call and give the phone nitish I told him my situation.

"If you want I can stay here" he said I pick up keys from under a pot and open door it was very dark I switch on lights.

"It's okay nitish this is not my first time to stay alone" I said he was not convinced but I made him convince, before he leave giving me lot of instructions.

After he left I lock all the doors and went to my room and freshen up I take my night dress but I have no energy to change.

So i took duvet and came to living room and laid on sofa put tv on because sleep was far away from me.

I don't know when I slept I was turning around as I hear door cracking sound I jerked up from my sleep and look around i saw time it was 12 o'clock.

I saw a shadow in a room across me it was so dark my heart was pounding I rubbed my eyes.

It still it was standing there suddenly power went off I screamed in fear getting up from place "who is there" i shouted but no use I open main door and start running I hit someone I screamed in fear.

"Hey it's me it's me" I hear familiar voice I look up it was who always protected me I let out relief sigh and hugged ram tightly he rubbed my back.

"It's okay don't worry I am here" he said smoothening words to me I look back at my house "what happened" he asked me worriedly.

"Someone is inside ram" I said pointing my finger my voice was cracked tears are made their way on my cheeks.

"Who?" He asked "I don't know someone was inside" I said he take my hand and went inside.

I protested but he dragged me we entered living room he switched on lights but it was not working.

He took out his phone and turn on flash light and look around we search whole house but no one is here.

Ram went to backside of house for switchboard it was off he on it then power back I sighed.


Ram made me sit on sofa and went to kitchen I was looking around checking if someone was here.

Is this all my hallucination or there is someone came inside?

Is ram going to believe me or not?

First of all why he is here!!!

I snapped out from my thoughts when ram called my name. He made me drink water and sat beside me.

I moved closer to him I was scare he put his arms around me I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Is this my hallucination?" I asked him "no it's not because i trust you and also main switches are where off it must be someone was off it" he said last part was clutched his jaw.

"Ram I want to tell you something but promise me you won't do any stupid things" I asked he nodded.

He has to know! I have to tell him

"I saw him" I said his body stiffed and anger visible in his eyes "did he do something to you" he asked cupping my face I shook my head negatively I told him everything that happened.

Ram was looking angry "why are you here in this time" I asked him it was a biggest question "aunty called me and told me that your alone and your not lifting your phone, also she called nitish and rashi but their phones was switched off so I came to check you" he said sit straight

If he is not come I don't know what will happen to me

"If you're alone you can call nitish or rashi why are you not called them" he asked "I thought I could manage but I don't know someone is try to kill me" I said last part laughed he looked at me seriously I know it was a bad joke.

"Come let's sleep" he said and stand up we went to my room he tugged me on bed and kissed my forehead he went and sat on sofa slowly i drifted into sleep..


I woke up in middle of the night for water I drank water that kept in nightstand.

I look at ram he is sleeping in sofa he was looking tired I went to him made cover him with blanket and sat on floor looking at him.

His forehead has frown i massaged and I run my hand on his hair he relaxed I smiled.

Every time when I got into problem he will save me, how will he know that I am in any situation !

Why he every time protects me risking his own life for me !

That day I fall for him for everything about him I didn't forget how he rescued me from that man who hurt me.

After ram left to US I do not get high hopes for him I convinced myself as it's just crush!

It's just crush

It's just crush

Dose it really crush ?





What do you think rithika has only crush on Jai or it's love ?

And what about Jai's feeling

Do you want to know past?

And what makes rithika hates that man in past ?

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