Chapter 32

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Rithika pov :

"Hey" she said awkwardly "hi" I said I don't know what to talk "uh... sorry ritu for misunderstanding you" she said I looked at her "it's okay anika it's not your fault you love your father that mades you hate me" I said she hugged me.

"Thank you I thought I never worth for your forgiveness" she said I hugged her back "and again sorry behalf of my dad as he kidnapped you" she said pulling back looking at her feet a tear slipped from her eye I wipe it.

"Don't, I already forget that incident" I said she smiled. I never thought anika will apology me but she changed.

"And by the way why are you here" she asked "I came here to meet rashi and nitish" I said she smiled "you came alone" she asked "no ram with me we four are friends from a long time" I said her eyes lit up "is Jai here" she asked.

I said lot of words but she caught only 'jai'

I nodded she smiled widely I don't like it when she thought about my ram. "If you don't mind can I join you my friend is not yet came she take a time" she said "why not come" I said.

What else I could say when she indirectly asking. If she didn't ask about ram twice I would welcome her with happily but not I don't know now.

We went to table they are talking and laughing when they notice me and anika together their smile replaced with confusion "hey" she said they greeted.

Rashi looked at me anika sat beside other side of ram I frowned as my phone buzzed with message I open it it was group chat of rashi, nitish, ram, and me I look at everyone their eyes on phone.

Rashi : what she is doing here

Nitish : and why she was moving nicely with you

Ram : did she do something

Me : guys calm down she met me at washroom she said sorry for what she did and her father and I forgiven her

Ram : what! You forgiven her

Rashi : why did you do

Me : what do you mean why?

Nitish : stop it guys she did what she felt I support you pumpkin

Rashi : 🙄

Ram : 🤷🏻

Me : thanks

I look around found anika was sitting uncomfortable I totally forget about her we all are busy in chatting I slapped my forehead.

"Anika what do you want" I asked her she smiled but her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Ah ritu did you cover it" rashi asked me smiling evilly I pleaded her with my eyes "what" ram asked "that love bite you gave to her it was visible" she said my face flushed.

Nitish is trying to not laugh ram turn towards me smirked anika looked confused when she notice hickey her smiled faded I don't know why.

I called waiter for escaping this awkward situation. After n hour it's six in the evening "so let's go" nitish said.

"So, do you want anything before we go home" ram whispered i look at him "like going beach or eating ice cream" he offered I smiled widely "both" I said he narrowed his eyes.

"Please" I pleaded he nodded "and movie also" I asked "are you crazy I am not going to allow you for movie there is only four days left for your exams" he said sternly "you can cancel beach and ice cream instead of movie" I said "no you can't watch movies until you finish your exams" he said sternly.

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