Chapter 41

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Rithika POV :

It's been five months since my kidnapping incident happen time flew away I completed my collage and now thinking of what next.

In my exams time I was hell nervous but ram with me every moment. And about adhir he was in jail for life long and anika was also sent to jail for helping him and she will come in two months I was feeling bad about her.

In this whole five months my family never leave me alone and comes to ram he didn't go to any business trip.

Argh!!! This guy death of me

I was arranging my closet when two hands wrapped around my waist I didn't need to turn because I know who is this I leaned back on his chest he buried his face in my neck inhaling.

"How was your day" I asked "fine but I miss you" he said tighten his grip I laughed.

"Oh my god ram you are behaving like a love sick puppy" I said he didn't said anything.

I know he was tired I turn around to loot at him he was looking hot in his messy hair and his white shirt that hugged his body and rolled sleeves.

Suddenly I felt very hot still I am wearing his one shirt and a short. "Go and freshen up, did you eat your dinner" I asked him he nodded his head positively.

Sometimes he didn't eat until I blackmailed him that he can't touch me or like that and I won.

It was past ten in the night I wanted to sleep I don't know from a week I was all sleepy I don't know why maybe I was tired.

"I'll go and take shower, and I don't mind if you join" he winked I hit his shoulder he laughed and left.

I smiled and made my way to bed I laid on bed waiting for him.

I hear door open and closed sound soon two hands wrapped around me pulling me to his chest I inhale his scent that makes me calm.

"I have to go paris for two days" he said I look at him "but I am not going now please I told you and don't think about force me to go" he said in warning tone I rolled my eyes.

One day he didn't tell me about his trip I hear it from sara I made him a promise that if he had these type of things he have to tell me or he won't touch me for two weeks.

And that day his expression was priceless I controlled my laughter.

Talking about sara, she and vikas was seen each other finally he settled himself I don't close to him as much I close to ravi but ram filled details about him.

And vivan get forgiveness from swathi after an whole month know they both are doing good and he is going to marry her in next month his father was guilty for what he done

And rashi and nitish was enjoying their time. "Are you listening what I am saying" I came back to this world when I hear ram voice.

I look at him he shook his head "these days you behaving weird" he said I pouted he kissed my pout "what happen to my angry bird" he asked.

"I also don't know ram I was all sleepy these days and you know nitish called me sleepy head" I said he narrowed his eyes.

"Okay I love to sleep but not whole day" I said he thinks sometimes "yes you are right but why did you sleep like this" he asked "I also don't know" I said.

After sometime "Ram you are going to Paris" I ordered him he looked at me "no selfie I am not going" he said.

"But how long you are staying with me you have to go and nothing is going to happen and our family didn't leave me alone" I said he looked at me sometime.

I know this was important I got to know about it from sara I asked her to tell me "If you don't go you can't kiss me" I said he looked at me horrifiedly.

"Fine" he groaned "but you got punishment for demanding" he said and hovered me.

I giggled he start open buttons and I helped him.


"Argh!!!!! You are not staying there for life long ram just two days" I said for the tenth time he didn't leave me.

I groaned everyone laughed looking at this scene created by husband of mine. He hugged me and not leaving me I was so embarrassed.

Ah! Come on he hugging me in front of our family did you just imagine how it's looks and I get that teasing looks for ravi and naina.

"Mr. Jai Ram khanna leave me" I shouted and finally he leave me "bye take care" he said I nodded "and go" I pushed him to car.

After he left mama, grandma was not leaving me and naina what should I tell she was sleeping with me.

"So tell me what to watch" she asked picking a movie we decided to watch a movie tonight since we don't get time to spend each other her brother didn't leave me.

"Anything" I said she pick a comedy movie but it turns a boring "Oh god I can't watch this" she said and stopped and fell in bed.

"I think we should sleep beside we don't have any idea what to watch" I said.

"Yeah" she said closing her eyes "Okay I'll go and change" I said and went to bathroom after I brushed my teeth I changed into one of ram shirt and a shorts.

His dresses are becoming my new favourite I came outside I saw naina was sleeping I laying in bed she was sleeping hugging a pillow I smiled I kissed her head and over with blanket

As soon as I hit my head with pillow I drifted into sleep.


I woke up with nausea I sat up and look around naina was sleeping I ran to bathroom and throw up I felt someone is rubbing my back and held my hair back.

After I complete I wash my face I held sink I was very weak to hold myself "it's okay come" naina said pulled me back she made me sit in bed my throat was sore she give me water I drank it.

"What happened ritu" she asked worriedly "nothing I was become stress these days maybe food didn't digest" I said weakly I felt my eyelids are heavy.

"Sleep, are you sure or should i call doctor" she said "no I am fine i was just stressed that's it" I said she cover me with blanket and kissed my head

I closed my eyes....


Today ram was coming, 2 days back I throw up everything I ate. papa was trying to take me to hospital but I refused I don't want to go hospital.

I sighed I put my earring as I hear familiar voices I ran outside saw ram was talking with mama I missed him so badly.

He saw me and give a heart warming smiled I descending stairs suddenly I felt dizzy.

I lost my balance and saw ram ran towards me before I fell he catch me soon I loose consciousness darkness consumed me....


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I like naina and ritu bond

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