Chapter 30

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Rithika pov :

My sleep disturbed when I heard sounds I groaned and open my eyes smiled formed in my lips when I notice ram arms around me I looked at outside from balcony glass door it was raining and thundering.

Whenever it is raining I remember my memory with ram, he completed my wish that day.....


It was 12 o'clock in the night i was sitting in my room balcony watching rain.

I heard some sounds I got alerted and look around someone is climbing since it was dark I couldn't see face.

I take a flower vase from near table and pointed I think it's a man I got to know because of his physique he came near to me.

I throw vase at him he catches I shouted but a hand closed my mouth I struggled "shh..... selfie it's me" I hear familiar voice. It's Ram.

I recognise his body spray smell I relieved "I am taking my hand don't shout" he whispered I nodded he take his hand away slowly and switch on the light.

I clearly saw his face he was all wet he came in raining "why are you here in this time" I asked he smiled "because I want to" he shrugged his shoulders.

I drag him inside and give him towel. He dried himself since I don't have rahul cloths with me.

"I don't have rahul cloths with me if I wake him he would got tensed" I said slowly "it's okay" he said "tell me why are you here, why are you climbing balcony and how" I asked crossed my arms.

"Slow down selfie" he said and sat on my bed "firstly, i came here to take you out because it's your wish to go outside when it was raining in night time and secondly, i climbed your balcony since I can't rang your door bell in midnight and third, I climb through pipes" he said casually my eyes widen.

"Ram how can you do that what if anything happen, you know it's very dangerous" I rambled he put his finger on my lips "don't talk too much chatter box" he said.

I got angry I push him "how dare you to call me chatter box" I hit him with pillow he laughed I put my hand on his mouth "don't, everyone is sleeping" I said lowly he nodded "come before rain stops I give you ride" he said got up from bed.

"Really" I asked him excitedly I have a wish to ride in midnight when its raining "yes" he said. I was in my nightwear I wore my sweater.

He climbing down and land on ground it's my turn it's not that height but it's a Everest for me because my height is 5.3 but this idiot height is 6.

"Come on" he whisper yelled I nodded and put my leg on pipe but I got scared "it's okay I am here" he said I got frustrated "if I slip from here you will also there only" I said and start descending down but I lost my balance and fell back I closed my eyes.

That's it I am dying, I can't go Maldives my favourite place and I can't watch my favourite movies and I will never become a best forensic expert.

I was remembering my memories and wishes but I felt nothing. Am I dreaming I open my eyes and saw i was in ram arms he catches me I smiled happily.

"Thank you so much I am not dead that means I can go Maldives and I watch all my favourite movies and I'll become best forensic expert" I said he rolled his eyes.

"If you don't stop your chatter box I will throw you and your ride is cancel" he said I closed my mouth with my hands he laughed and put me down.

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