Chapter 49

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Jai pov :

I groaned when I hear phone ring I open my eyes and take my phone it was Sekhar uncle who is dealing adhir's case I glanced at time it was seven in the morning.

Why he is calling!

I went to balcony and lift the call

'Hello, uncle'

'Jai, adhir was shifting to mental asylum'


this is all I could say

'He requested to meet rithika once'

My blood boiled

'Why! Is he planning another thing'

I can't control my anger

'Please jai try to understand consider his mental health we all with him when he meet Rithika you will with her'

'But uncle she was not in the position to meet a person who is try to kill her once and kidnapped her once'

'I know please try to understand he is really guilty about his mistakes'

'I will try uncle but I can't promise'

I cut the call and put phone in my pocket, I close my eyes sighed.

I felt two arms wrapped around me I smiled and held her hands tightly to me

I can't tell her that she has to meet adhir who is her nightmare till today

"What are you thinking" she asked "nothing" I said but she turn me around and cupped my cheeks "tell me ram" she said caressing my cheeks.

I held her hands and kissed her hands "I want to tell you but promise me that you won't get panicked" I said she blinked her eyes and smiled.

"As long as you are with me I will happy" she said I smiled I take a deep breath I have to tell her.

"Sekhar uncle called me" I said she frowned I think she didn't know him well

"He was dad's friend and he is dealing adhir's case" I said she nodded her head.

"Why he is called you" she asked I wrapped my arms around her pulled her into hug.

"He said adhir was moving into mental asylum" i said as soon as I said adhir name she flinched I rubbed her back.

"Adhir wants to meet you once before he is moving, he is guilty about what he did to you" I said slowly "I am okay with your any decision" i said.

She didn't said anything "I am okay to meet him" she said I was surprised "what!" I asked her pulled her a back little so I can see her face she smiled.

"It's not necessary to meet him selfie" I said "no ram I want to meet him truth be told because of me today he was there" she said.

"if I didn't talk to with him or move friendly with him he will never face this situation" she said I cupped her cheeks.

"It's not you fault" I said "I forgive anika why wouldn't I at least talk to adhir" she said I smiled and kissed forehead.


"What! Are you out of your mind" ravi shouted on phone

"Try to understand ravi I am not going to hurt her"

"Okay but be careful"

"Okay and how was the date going"

"I came to her home to ask her but she didn't open door, Wait she open door I call you back"

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