Chapter 26

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Jai pov :

I becoming restless I'm waiting for Vikas call he said he traced the number so I was waiting for his call in my study room.

I guess rithi is sleeping it's already eleven o'clock my phone rang I take it

'Hello jai'

'Yeah vikas did you find'

'Yes I only got his name his name is randhir'

I frowned who is this randhir I never hear this name and also rithi never told about him.

I said okay and cut the call I have to ask rithi directly tomorrow. I went to room and saw she is sleeping she didn't switch off lights.

I smiled and offed lights and went to bathroom after I fresh up I came back to room and joined in bed with her as soon as I laid on bed she eventually moves towards me and hugged me I smiled and wrapped my arms around her closing my eyes......


In midnight I hear screams I got up and saw rithi was shaking and sweating "rithi" I call her but she didn't open her eyes I hugged her "selfie it's okay it's a bad dream" I said.

After sometime she stopped and open her eyes they are crying she sat I give her water she drank it and wiped her face.

I turn on air conditioner and hugged her rubbing her back I felt her crying "shh...selfie don't cry" I said softly "again it's same nightmare" she said her voice was low.

I want to kill adhir with my bare hands he was not only physically but mentally hurting her "it's okay" I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead she looked at me.

"I was scared ram why is this happening why I get this dream again" she asked her voice broken I cupped her cheeks and wiped tears.

"Nothing is going to happen I won't let that" i said she hug me tightly we stayed sometime "selfie" I call her but she didn't answer I pulled a back to look her saw her was sleeping I smiled and made her lay on bed pulled her closely to me.


I felt something on my cheek I know who is doing this rithi was caressing my cheeks I didn't open my eyes to know what she do next I felt her breath in my ear.

"Ram what did you to me" she whispered she don't know I was awake she thought I was sleeping I controlled my smile "you know just hearing your name made my heart beat fast" she said my heart beats fast.

Rithi caressing my features with her fingers traced my eyes, nose, and stopped at my lips! That's it I can't hold it.

I open my eyes and lift my head to her level and kissed her she shocked at my sudden kiss but kissed me back I held her waist and shift our position now I was top on her still kissing.

Her hands went to my hair pulling me more to her I don't want to stop but she was breathless I left her lips and kissed her cheeks "ram" she whispers.

I want to hear my name she is only call me by that name I smiled and trail kisses to her neck suddenly she pushed me I look at her confusingly "can I go to collage it's been 2weeks I have to attend classes, labs" she ranting like nothing happening here.

I got up from bed she looked at me raising eyebrow "you know how to spoil perfect time" I said annoyingly she laughed I rolled my eyes I saw time it's seven o'clock I have to go office I have so much work to do due to wedding I didn't attend any meetings.

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