Chapter 12

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Thanks for you love and support who read and vote my story!!😊


Rithika pov :

I saw ram was staring at me confusingly I look back at him and smirked "will you just tell me what is happening here" he asked irritatedly I know he has no patience I have to tell him.

In morning......

I was sitting in my room with nitish and rashi when I hear a noise coming from outside we three went to out side.

I saw a family shift into the house which was next to my house. Then I saw ayush he was coming towards us we introduced ourselves.

After that nitish was looking pissed then I realise ayush was talking to rashi so carefree I feel nitish was jealous.


"After that I got this idea" I explain whole thing to ram. I blew some air praising my idea looking at him he was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Is he helping with you" he asked pointing ayush I nodded.

"I asked him to help me and he instantly said yes, how's my idea" I asked flip my hair behind he just looked at me smirk and pointing at table I looked at that direction my eyes widened.

OMG! What I plan but what actually happening!!!!

Nitish was clutching ayush collar he was ready to punch him rashi was trying to stoping them.

I was about go there but Ram was grabbed my wrist and stopped me I saw him he looked at me shook his head.

I stand there suddenly nitish leave ayush collar and turn towards rashi and pulled her into him and kissed her.

Did he really kiss her! Omg I was watching my best friends were kissing omg!

I turn around and hit ram chest and hide my face I heard ram laugh I was happy finally I got successful in this mission.

We went to there after they stop kissing I saw rashi face was flushed she hugged nitish other hand nitish was shoot glaring at ayush before things got out of my hand I have to clear this.

I told my plan to nitish and rashi they both looked at me with wide eyes ayush was scratching his neck I laugh nervously.

"Thanks pumpkin" nitish said I smiled ayush and nitish hugged each other I am glad that.

After lunch "hey you didn't introduce me to your fiancé" Ayush said looking at ram "sorry, Ram this is ayush my neighbor and nee friend, ayush this is ram my fiancé" I said they both nodded each other.

After lunch ram dropped me in my house I straight went to my room after I freshen up I came out of my room and look around it was mess.

I have to go collage tomorrow. only two days left for my engagement after I meet ram that dream I stopped I don't understand but rashi kept saying he is the one who I dreamed but I can't think like that.

After an hour later I completed cleaning my room and slumped on my bed. A paper fall from my desk I got up lazily and pick it up it was from case that I was assisting

I know this name somewhere and I also saw him

Naveen Chatterjee ?

Naveen Chatterjee

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