1 : 𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣?

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A brunette haired male was standing by his locker taking out his needed essentials for his up coming class. The brunette male held the name Kim Taehyung who was known to be a very sophisticated man. A simple man said so by many but had a better life than most do. A son of a CEO, who had more money than a commoner could ever have in a hundred years. Exaggerated, true but the statement is a fact.

"Tae.", a high pitch voice calls out, breathless.

The said male turns to the voice, his arms now carrying all the stationary and books he needed. A smile creeps up to his lips when he recognizes the male to be Park Jimin, his closest friend, more like a family member.

"Hi!", Taehyung enthusiastically greets, awkwardly spreading his filled arms to offer a hug.

Jimin frowns and flicks his friend's forehead.

"You're late to class. Very late. Why are you here?"


"Kim Taehyung, I see you are late again for the second time this week.", an old man, not older than sixty, turns to the door where a panting man was seen, holding his knees.

Taehyung smiles sheepishly, making his way towards his teacher, looking up with innocent eyes.

The teacher sighs, and a soft smile settles on his lips.  He was known for being a softie, specially for his students who reminded him of his own kids. He shakes his head softly and hands the boy a paper which was the assigned work for the day.

"Thank you, sir.", Taehyung happily exclaims, bowing slightly and walking towards his respective seat not caring about the questioning eyes of his fellow class mates who were wondering what the boy was conversing with their teacher about.

He plops his belongings down on the floor next to his desk as he sets himself down.

"Hey, late comer.", a teasing voice calls out.

Taehyung turns to his friend Jung Hoseok. A very close friend of his. He smiles towards him, as a greeting, turning back to his assignment right after.


Taehyung walks outside the class after bidding Hoseok a goodbye. He puts in his ear pods, wanting to listen to some music while he's walking towards the gate of the school.

A specific melody echoes and his heart drops. The song was one of the lullabies his mother used to sing to him. He sighs as he checks his phone, staring at his 'Mother' playlist. He barely plays it, he was listening to it night before, so he assumes he had the playlist on till now.

His mother was a distant memory to him. He was only a toddler, age of nine when his mother mysteriously disappeared. He asked his father but only got a cold glare as an answer. He wasn't that young to not be able to try to reach out to her but he got nothing.

He tried to hate her for it but he can't whatsoever.

An arm wraps around his shoulder. He looks at his side and finds a smiling Jimin looking at him.

"What got you so sad?", Jimin asks, his eyes on Taehyung.

The boy shakes his head in a way to sign his fine and there's nothing to worry about.


The two friends enter Taehyung's apartment, Jimin who wanted to tag along to which Taehyung welcomed with open arms.

"Do you want to go the club tonight? It's Friday after all.", Jimin asks, as he lays down on the sofa the moment he enters the hall. Yes, he didn't take off his shoes.

Taehyung rolls his eyes at his careless friend.

"Yeah, yeah. Make yourself comfortable. I totally don't mind you lying down on my sofa with your shoes on.", the brunette sarcastically yells out as he makes his way towards the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. Not for Jimin though. That guy needs to get it himself even if he's considered Taehyung's guest.

"You still didn't reply to my question?", yells out Jimin, ignoring his whiny friend's protests.

"Nah, I'm good.", yells out Taehyung, pouring himself water in the cup.

A huff is heard from the other side of the room by Jimin who isn't really appealed at his friend's party pooper behavior.

A vibration comes from Taehyung's pocket. He looks down and sees a patch of a rectangular outline in the front of his pants, vibrating. In other words his phone was ringing, probably a call. He delays the call, wanting to hydrate his dry throat first. He gulps the water down his throat and puts the cup down right after. He wipes his mouth, taking his phone out of his pocket.

Missed call by 'Dad'

He sighs wondering what his father wanted. Don't get him wrong his father wasn't that bad of a person, just a bit manipulative.

His father let him study in art/acting college, which for him was a surprise but was happy nevertheless. He wasn't the heir to begin with, as his older brother, Kim Namjoon is the heir. So it shouldn't have been a surprise that his father is letting him live the dream. But he had to pay back as well.

"Hello, Father.", Taehyung greets finally deciding to give his father a call.

"Hello, Taehyung. I called to inform you that tomorrow you will be meeting Jeon Jeongguk and I want you to cancel all the plans you have for tomorrow.", a firm voice orders, not asking about his son, and getting straight to the point.

Jeon Jeongguk his soon to be husband. He was told about this a month ago. Did he protest? Yes, he did. He fought a lot with his father but the words just went out the other ear. He was devastated. His father took an advantage of his sexuality, as he is bisexual.

"Yes, father."

Before his father could utter another word, Taehyung hung up. He knows he'll get in trouble for this, but he ignored it, too infuriated to care.

He storms out of the kitchen walking towards the hall.

"Jimin lets go to the club"

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