9 : 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘤

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"Hey.", Jeongguk greets as Taehyung enters his car, sitting himself on the passenger sit.

"Hi.", the brunette greets back, giving the other a small smile before dropping it and looking straight out the window.

"What got you so gloomy?", Jeongguk questions, starting the engine and putting pressure on the accelerator.

"Aren't you nervous? It's the day of our engagement. We will be arranged to each other.", Taehyung expresses, exhaling loudly.

The older male didn't want to deal with his father who he was holding a grudge on so he asked Jeongguk to drive him to the engagement hall or Jeons residence to be precise. Jimin didn't have a car and said he needed to meet someone before he attends the party. He promised he'll be there on time but Taehyung wasn't supposed to be there on time. He is supposed to be early.

His car broke down two days prior and he didn't want to hire a cab because he is a fancy man and wants to live in luxury. Well, he wanted to rant to someone, precisely Jeongguk.

"Calm down, it will be fine.", a hand comes to the older's knee, squeezing it, as an action of comfort.

"You don't sound so sure yourself, Jeon Jeongguk.", Taehyung comments looking at his side towards the younger who has an expressionless face but the slight frown gives it away.

"I'm twenty one."

"Huh?", the older questions as the words of the younger seem random.

"Well, my father got married when he was twenty eight. Seven years older then I am now. He got to experience seven years more of his life before getting arranged to my mother. They were engaged when he was twenty five and married when twenty eight going to his twenty nine. He started his office when he was twenty six. Now tell me is that fair?", Jeongguk turns to the other male for a slight moment to get a glimpse of any sort of reaction.

"It's not fair. I understand what you mean.", Taehyung sighs out, his gaze falling on his lap, where the younger's hand was placed. Another squeeze is delivered to his knee by the big palm.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad. I'm just trying to tell you how aware I am of this situation. We can't do anything about it. You said so yourself, why stress over something we can't change.", saying this Jeongguk removes his hand from the other to grasp at the steering wheel, turning the car towards another street.

"But why? I don't understand them. Why marry us together? We both are males and don't get me wrong I'm not homophobic, I like men too but I would rather not date men. Outside Korea, sure but in Korea, hell no. Can you even imagine how much hate we'll get? I didn't even come out to my friends except Jimin and apparently my father knows but the point is, this is scary. I don't wanna do this anymore.", Taehyung rants, breaking out the next second, eyes swelling, fists clenching, gripping his pants.

Jeongguk sighs before parking his car on the side of the street. He looks at his side to see the other falling into a panic attack.

He gets out of his car and moves to the other side. He opens the door of the passenger seat and unbuckles the male's belt. He holds his hand and brings him outside the car. Taehyung still inhaling deeply, as if his trying to block his tears.

They both stand face to face. Jeongguk holds Taehyung's cheeks between his hands and makes him look at him.

"It's going to be fine. It will be hard. We will get hate. But it will be all fine in the end."

"What if it doesn't turn out the way we want it?", the older questions, looking at the other with desperate eyes.

"Tae, Stop stressing. It will be okay. It will be temporary. If it doesn't work out we'll divorce each other in the spam of one year. How is that?"

"That's what Jimin said.", Taehyung comments, a very tiny evident grin forming in a very slow pace on his lips.

"Dork.", Joengguk caresses his cheeks before removing his hands scared he will ruin the  lighthearted atmosphere.

"Says you, dork."


Here they are. The place they were wanting to avoid so bad.

The place is looking astonishing. The golden twinkle lights placed all across the roof of the mansion, white rose flowers in golden hanging vase, and well the both couple couldn't help but admit the party planner did a pretty great job at decorating.

"At least the place looks good.", Jeongguk looks at Taehyung who is staring at the roof that has bright lights twinkling.

"That's true."

They enter the mansion to find the interior to be embellished. Everything was done so precise, and on point that it made the pair wonder if this was planned all along.

Jonghu enters the hall from the main door, startling Jeongguk as he was standing close to the door. He looks at his father with surprise, no reason, he was just startled.

"Taehyung, son. You're here.", Jonghu gazes at the younger male who was dressed in a shirt and denim jeans. He eyes the male, with a- well annoyed expression.

"Taehyung-ssi, wouldn't it be more appropriate if you wore formal clothes?", Jonghu questions, his tone overly sweet. "Jungkook direct him to your room and let him borrow some of your clothes."

Taehyung flushes embarrassed, as Jeongguk nods at his father, grabbing his soon to be husband's wrist and leads him towards the stairs.

"That was embarrassing.", Taehyung mumbles under his breath as he follows the figure climbing the stairs.


"How do I look?", Taehyung comes out of the bathroom that was attached to Jeongguk's room, wearing a dark indigo suit with a white collar shirt under it.

"You look great.", Jeongguk replies, distractingly as he continues to scroll on his phone.

"Jeongguk Jeon!"

"Yes, yes, I'm listening-", the younger removes his gaze and places it at the older male. His mouth gap as he looks at him.

"You look ridiculous."

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