21 : 𝘋𝘪𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦

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"You are married?"

Jeongguk turns at the voice to witness Aera, walking towards his way with an angered mixed with confused expression.

"Yes.", the raven haired mumbles, gulping.

"You are an arsehole.", she yells, her breath uncontrolled. "You made me break a relationship. Couldn't you tell me about your marriage the first thing when you saw me?"

"I'm sorry-"

"Save it. You are a fucking cheater. You seriously are sick.", she says her final words before she walks away with quick steps


"Now what? You came to tell me how messed up I am too.", Jeongguk sighs out as he watches his childhood best friend enter his office.

No words leave Yoongi's lips as he comes towards Jeongguk's desk and glare down at him. The man confused at his friend's antics stands up to ask what's the problem.

Before Jeongguk could utter a word a slap lands on his cheek. His eyes widen as he touches his cheek in shock.

"What the hell is wrong with you Jeongguk? You keep messing up. First you kiss Aera, and now you told Taehyung to leave.", Yoongi yells in anger. "I got a call with Taehyung crying over the phone. Why do you keep doing this?"

"Hyung, I wasn't going to kiss her yesterday, I swear. We were just going to hug it out. Taehyung is just being a petty bitch about it.", Jeonnguk exclaims, rolling his eyes, but deep down it hurts. It pained so much knowing he hurt someone he feels so immensely for.

"Jeongguk, do you hear yourself? You're being the petty bitch here. You should've asked for forgiveness, you could've done something, anything. But no, you had to, you just had to be the asshole you are.", the older spats. "You know what, figure this yourself. You're not capable of love anyways."

Jeongguk looks down at his feet with clogged throat and tears that sting his eyes. He shakes his head like the ignorant person he is and looks up.

"Hyung, if you're only here to argue with me than you're very welcome to leave.", Jeongguk states with a stoic expression, radiating nonchalance.

Yoongi sighs.

"Listen carefully to my questions and answer honestly."


"Just listen."

"Okay. Ask."

"Do you love Taehyung?"

"Hyung, please-"

"I repeat. Do you love Taehyung?"

"Yes. Yes, I do love him.", Jeongguk says too loudly, he rubs his face in distress. So many germs are transferring from his hands to his face judging from his habit. "Are you done? If you're done distressing me further, please kindly leave."

Yoongi rolls his eyes but shows no actions of leaving.

"Do you regret kissing Aera?"

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