19 : 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦

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"Now, Let's see what Jimin is up to."

Yoongi sits himself in the car as he opens his phone and types multiple numbers to create a network connection for the other receiver. In simple words he was calling Jimin. Yoongi taps his thigh impatiently as the ring just wouldn't stop which indicates that the other person isn't picking up.

"Hello?", a voice comes from the other side, in a whisper.

"Jimin, how are you?", Yoongi asks softly, as he stares at his steering wheel.

"Yoongi hyung, it's so nice that you called. I'm fine. It's really nice here.", a husky voice replies back.

Yoongi frowns his eyebrows. He called to ask about the Taehyung situation but apparently something seems off.

"You okay?", Yoongi asks, concerned.

"I'm fine, Hyung.", Jimin says hurriedly, almost defensive.

Even though the older wanted to stay persistent on this topic, he really wanted to know what the tension between the two best friends was for.

"Why do you not talk to Taehyung anymore?"

There was silence. Very eccentric.

"I have to go, hyung.", and the line goes out, no more noise heard anymore.

Yoongi gets irritated at the other's lack of response and dials the other boy's number multiple times to get answers but with no avail he fails.


"Why is his fever not wavering?", Jeongguk asks himself as his palm presses harder on his husband's forehead.

The younger sighs for the nth time. Taehyung's drinking antics affected him greatly, in a dangerous way.

"Why?", Jeongguk startled at the sudden groan looks at his side. He is met with bloodshot eyes staring right through him.

Jeongguk's eyes widen, as he looks at his husband. Hurt and grieve present in Taehyung's eyes. The boy is in sitting position now and stares at the other man who's kneeling in front of the sofa.

"Tae-", Jeongguk tries to console his partner into sleeping as he could tell overwhelming emotions are not okay in any sense in this state. But it's Kim Taehyung, the stubborn man he knows.

"NO. Don't talk. Why? Why did you kiss her? I know I really do, we aren't emotionally in a relationship or whatever shit you wanna call it but we're married. You could- you can at least d-discuss ab-about open- open relationships with me first. Was I that b-bad that made you k-kiss someone else?", the blond yells to mumbles, drunken, which was evident in his voice.

Jeongguk sighs. The older isn't in the state in to talk with, right now. So in an answer he pushes Taehyung back on the sofa to lay him down.

"Sleep, Tae.", Jeongguk says softly. He gets up to leave and gather some materials when heartbroken sobs stops him mid step.

He looks back at his wreck of a husband. The man was crying, with tears furiously rolling down his cheeks. Nose runny. A small pout on the plump lips.

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