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New obsession

It was the first day of school and Adelia woke up for the first time in a while feeling refreshed

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It was the first day of school and Adelia woke up for the first time in a while feeling refreshed. She felt excited to start the day which was weird since she wasn't a morning person. Would it have to do with a Mac Miller lookalike you might say? Yes.

Adelia couldn't take her mind out of the red head boy. He was intoxicating her mind, she found herself wanting to get to know him more. It was a good thing that they exchanged numbers then.

It was the first day back from summer so Adelia made sure to wake up extra early to do her hair and makeup.

Sitting on her vanity she pulled out her primer and started doing her normal makeup routine. She wanted to text Fez but found herself become nervous again. They spend almost the whole night after the party, talking over the phone.

He had taken her home and even gave her a kiss goodbye.

She felt like a school girl fan girling over her first boyfriend.

But Fez wasn't hers. At least not yet. Adelia planned to have that boy no matter who got in the way. She didn't care, she wanted him and she will be dammed if she didn't get him.

She finished her makeup, and got dressed in a fence pattern see-through long sleeve with a supreme tube top over it. With faded ripped blue jeans and some black heels. She paired it with her famous gold hoops and gold watch she had gotten from her old sugar daddy.

"Belleza." Adelia looked at herself in the mirror.

(Beautiful or beauty whatever floats your boat)

Applying a final layer of lipgloss, she smacked her lips loudly before smiling. Grabbing her small backpack she went downstairs towards the kitchen.

"Buenos días mami." She greeted her mother.
(Good morning mommy)

Adelia went to sit next to her mother as the maid served them food. Thanking one of the maids, Celeste, who smiled in return.

Now Adelia was quiet wealthy. She just didn't think it was necessary to have people make them food and wash their clothes. She was perfectly capable of doing that herself but her mother wasn't.

She always said "Unas señoras finas como nosotros no debe de ser el trabajo del los pobres" Whatever that bullshit meant.
( wealthy women like us shouldn't do the job of the poor)

Adelia hated her mother for being such a nasty person to not only her but to the less fortunate. Never wanting to associate herself with them, which was funny cause they were in one point, poor. Always criticizing her, saying to do better. She hated her always lifting up her nose at people, acting like she was above everyone.

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