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Hallows Eves

"So that's what you've been doing all this time

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"So that's what you've been doing all this time." Adelia whistles lowly. She closes her locker and turns her head back at Kat.

"You slut!" She jokes, "you getting some good coins right?" She asked the taller girl.

"Duh. Those pervs are like so pathetic." Her and Adelia start laughing, imagining all the loser single men on pornhub.

"I'm proud of you kitty Kat. Like, you're all confident now and shit. Just be careful." Adelia quickly hugs her.

Kat hugs her back and nods her head, her short hair gets in her face making her brush it off. "Yeah, yeah, I'm always careful."

Adelia pulls away, she looks down at the girl's outfit, she had changed from her aesthetic girl vibe to a sexy goth matrix girl.

"Enough about me. Tell me the details." Kat gives her a serious look. She's referring to finally having sex with fez. The girl had called her the day after it happened.

She couldn't really tell anyone else now that her and Maddy where officially in no speaking terms, and where ever Maddy went Cassie followed. She didn't mind thoe, she was second closest to Kat and at least Kat didn't judge her or talk her ear off about her loser ex.

"It was amazing. Best sex ever, period." She snaps her fingers.

"Period." Kat copies her making both girls giggle. She tells her the rest of the details, not everything but minimum.

"You are so—" before Kat can finish she stops and looks behind Adelia.

"What are you looking a—" turning around Adelia stops talking and looks at the pair of girls that entered the school.

Cassie Howard and Maddy fucking Perez.

"Great." Adelia mumbled.

She knew she would have to see the dark haired girl sooner of later but she honestly preferred later.

Adjusting the straps of her backpack, she straighten her back and walked along sides Kat.

"It's cool I don't care." She brushed it off. She walked passed Maddy and Cassie, ignoring their existence all together.

They passed by them chattering about what Kat had planned to continue her little cam girl business.


With arms crossed and lips pursed Maddy looked after them. Huffing, she felt the need to call after Adelia but fought it.

She was at her lowest now that she couldn't see Nate and he wasn't answering her calls. The whole school was looking at her as if she was a victim, which she wasn't. So she thought.

She just wanted to talk to her best friend but she was still mad at Adelia for snitching on Nate.

"Are you guys still mad at each other?" Cassie asked looking at the girl.

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