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Not your fault

Not your fault

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"Sooo...what is this about?" I ask.

I have my hair curled and bangs pinned to the side. My Chanel pink dress fitting my body perfectly.

I sit eating dinner with mom and Paolo, his security standing outside the living room and outside our house. Weird, I still don't really know what he does. Something do to with money, not sure, don't really care. I just know he's crazy rich and famous.

I look around the room at the people shoving camera lenses up my face and try not to punch every single one of them.

"Here Adelia smile!" (Snap) I go blind for a second before blinking rapidly.

Did I mention we're being filmed and photographed? Well we are, Paolo and my mother wanted to make a documentary about the 'fabulous' journey of their wedding. That, and a bunch of news articles wanted to know all about the new family of the famous Paolo De Luca.

"Well," Paolo starts off grabbing my mom's hand. "Your mother has told me you don't want to move from this town. So we decided we are moving but to a bigger house near this area." He gives me a big smile.

Confused, I look towards my mom and see her smiling at me before looking back at him. I would of never guessed my mom would do this for me. Whatever, I'm grateful nonetheless.

"Thank you ma—Thank you, the both of you." I smile, relieved I can still see Fez on a daily basis.

Oh, and also my friends. Right.

I look towards my mom and smile at her, our eyes meet and she nods slowly, giving my a thumbs up.

Paolo then claps his hand loudly, something I notice he always does when he's announcing something or is in a good mood

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Paolo then claps his hand loudly, something I notice he always does when he's announcing something or is in a good mood.

"Now that we got that settled we're been looking for house to buy and we think we found the right one." He laughs, "all we need to do is start moving in!"

Him and my mom laugh making me awkwardly laugh.

"Okay, well that's all that I wanted to know. Ma I'm going to Maddy's house." I stand up from the table and push my chair in.

My Euphoria || FEZCO ❤️Where stories live. Discover now