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Same person different mindset

"She was an angel that fell from heaven

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"She was an angel that fell from heaven."

"So was Lucifer." He whispered.

Adelia felt different. Something in her heart kept moving around, same with her stomach. She felt squeamish and nervous all the time. No, her anxiety didn't come back.

It felt different, like good not bad. For the past couple of months she's been thinking about Fez, every second of every day. To as soon as she woke up, to eating, shitting, showering..and masturbating.

She couldn't stop thinking about him. And it didn't help that she wanted to fuck him. More than that. She wanted to make love to him.

She didn't know how she felt, words couldn't describe. She knew she liked him but more than liked? Love? Maybe, Who was she kidding. Yep, she was in love with him.

"Adelia? Adelia!" Snapping out of her daze she drops her fork.

Clattering loudly, she looks at her mom staring at her with annoyance.

"Can you at least acted like your interested Adelia." Her mom asked.

She's dressed in posh looking clothes, a mint checkered skirt to match her vest. Her bleached blonde hair perfectly curled at the ends. (Her mom not her)

"Sorry ma. Of course I'm interested! Free cake samples." She shoves cake into her mouth.

Her, her mother and her mother's friends all sit around the marble table.  Sitting in a cake wedding shop outside of town, in LA.

"Well do you like the carrot cake?" Her mother asks her before shaking her head, "of course you do it's your favorite."

Adelia feels her smile slightly falter. Carrot cake used to be her favorite but not anymore. It was cheesecake.

"Right." Instead of correcting her she just nods sarcastically.

"Well I liked the red velvet it's was splendid!" One of her mother's friend's Martha, laughs snobbishly.

Rolling her eyes at her, she sits grumpily around a bunch of rich snobs.

"You're mom's so pretty Adriana. You must of gotten your looks from your father." Angela smirks making the rest of the girl's giggle.

Of course they would bring their daughters. Clenching her teeth she merely back at her, "why don't you go back to your home on whore island."

Ignoring their gasp, Adelia grabs her champagne glass and raises it up in the air.

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