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Maddy's nightmare


A women should never invest in a relationship she wouldn't want her daughter in

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A women should never
invest in a relationship
she wouldn't want
her daughter in


"You want anything to drink?" I ask once we get to her house

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"You want anything to drink?" I ask once we get to her house.

I help her in and we quietly walk into her room. As soon as I close the door I see her break down. She crumbles to the floor and I catch her before she hits the ground.

She sobs over my shoulder and weakly clutches on to me.

"N-Nate put his hands on me." She whimpers out.

Shocked, I look ever at her and notice the big hand shaped red mark on her neck. Did he choke her?

"Maddy.Oh my god! You have to go to the police!" I quickly pull out my phone but she quickly smacks it out my hand. It drops to the floor making a loud 'dump' sound.

"No, no, no! Please don't!" She cries.

I don't know what to say. I feel my anger rising, I don't understand why she's defending him.

"He didn't mean to—I j-just upset him." She weakly chokes out. I've never seen her like this, so weak, so fragile.

I never thought it was this severe. It's clear that my best friend, my sister, was in an abusive and toxic relationship.

"Maddy, please. He hurt you, look at the bruise on your neck," I grab her head and turn it towards the mirror, "he did this! Someone that loves you doesn't put their hands on you!" I see hear look away from her reflection is disgust.

 He hurt you, look at the bruise on your neck," I grab her head and turn it towards the mirror, "he did this! Someone that loves you doesn't put their hands on you!" I see hear look away from her reflection is disgust

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