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Deal gone wrong

Her outfit ⬆️


"Being the hot girl...you wouldn't want that. It's overrated. Being sexy is actually really boring to me. I'd rather be.... I'd rather be interesting."

-Amelia Warner-


Adelia hummed a small tune, blinking at the wall in a daze

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Adelia hummed a small tune, blinking at the wall in a daze. Her finger nails being covered in acrylics, she ignored the world around her, instead replaying the last conversation she had with the boy.

"Fez?" Adelia answered her phone in a giddy tone. She was excited to hang out with him after school.

She just got home and went straight to her room to change from her cheer uniform.

"Hey ma. Look, I know you wanted to hang out today but I have some business to take care of." Fezco felt bad for canceling but he had forgotten that Mouse was coming today.

Talking to her made him forget about the world around him. He just got lost in her angelic voice.

"Yeah, I get it. Maybe we can hang out after that?" She asked. Hating that she sounded so desperate.

"Yeah! Definitely, I mean— yeah for sure Adelia." Fez cursed at himself for sounding pathetic.

The two smiled goofily at their phones, unaware of how much they were feeling each other.


"Honey? Adelia!" Snapping out of her trance Adelia looks at her nails artist, Tonya, blinking rapidly.

"Yeah?" Adelia asks, embarrassed.

Smirking, Tonya shakes her head and laughs softly, "Who's the boy boo?"

Raising an eyebrow Adelia asks, "Why would it be about a boy?" even thoe it was about one.

Tonya stood up and threw away the used cotton balls before answering, "You got that look on your face," she waves a hand on her face, "The look I gave my man when I first met him." She smiled.

Adelia smiled back, she had met Tonya's husband before, he was a Doctor, a very good man. She sometimes envied their relationship.

"His name is Fezco." She admits looking down her freshly painted nails.

"Ahh! Young love, there's not much of that going around nowadays." Tonya scrunches her nose in disgust, thinking about all the teens having sex just cause.

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