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And Salt the Earth Behind You

Her outfit up there 👆

"He did what!!?" Adelia paced around the room

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"He did what!!?" Adelia paced around the room.

"That snitch really called the cops on you?!" She asked Fez through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was fucking him." She heard Fez deep voice through the phone.

He sounded stressed the fuck out and tired. She felt bad and thought maybe it was her fault.

"I'm sorry baby if I hadn't ran my mouth I—It wasn't your fault mammas that boy just fucking crazy." Fez cut her off.

"Can't argue with that." She snorted.

"What are you gonna do now. More specifically we." She sat down on her bed.

"We? I don't want you involved in this shit bruh." He said packing up a bag with guns.

"What did I tell you about calling me bruh? And yes we, we're in this together bebe." She grinned.

'And I have the perfect revenge.' She thought evilly.

"Sorry baby and how bout you just worry about the dance, alright. Have you gotten a dress?" She knew he was trying to change the subject but she let it be.

If he wasn't gonna let her plan revenge with him then she was going to do it herself.

"Yes, it's this really pretty dress. Sucks, you can't come to it with me. I'm going to look sexy." She tried to bait him in.

"I don't even go school mammas. I'm still driving you there so I can see your fine ass." He smirked through the phone.

She laughed loudly and placed her head on her many pink pillows.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." She smiled.

"What you gonna be doing that's more important than your girl?" She teased.

He looked down at his gun and frowned. He knew what he had to do, he didn't want to tell Adelia cause it would only worry and stress her out. He didn't wanna ruin the dance for her.

"Nah, it's just some business I have to take care of with Ash. Dummy, you know nothin more important than your fine ass." He grinned making her blush through the phone.

"Better be." She smiled looking through her magazine.

"I have to get ready now." She groaned.

"How bout you come over. I wanna spend time with you before we leave." She pouted.

"Needy are we?" He joked.

She scoffed in return making him laugh.

"I'm kidding bru-baby." He corrected himself making her say 'aha'

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