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Rue's POV

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Rue's POV

I sat on the ground in a daze, the ecstasy only lasting a couple of seconds. I laid almost crossed eyed with my legs sprawled in front of me and my arms limp by my sides. I didn't know what street I was on, maybe fourth I don't fucking know.

Wiping the saliva that drooled down my chin, I heard the rumble of a car stop. Turning my head to the side, I watched silently as a figure got out of the car.

A curvy figure stepped out the black car. Looking closely I can tell it was a girl with really long hair.

It was Adelia? We use to be neighbors and I had talked to the her a couple of times before but I didn't really know her other than the fact that she was best friends with Maddy.

I watch as she was dressed in a strapless pink dress with red 6 inch heels. She stepped out of the car with bags in her hands. She smiled at the person driving and laughed before closing the car.

Looking down at my puked stained hoodie I couldn't help but envy her. She was always dressed so nicely, her hair always straight, she looked close to perfect. It didn't help that she was incredibly hot.

"Hey where do you think you're going!?" I see a tall Asian man step out the car.

He gave Adelia an almost angry looked as he closed his door and held both hands up in a 'what you doing' manner.

Both of them didn't notice me yet and I was to lazy to stand up so I watched.

Adelia turned around to face him, with her head tilted she raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow,"home? We're done here." She swayed her bags around, probably filled with brand filled clothes and jewelry.

"You didn't pay up missy! We had a deal Rose!" He exclaimed walking closer to her.

Rose? Did she give him a fake name? Was her name always Rose?I sat up, staring at the scene with curiosity.

"We did. I sat by your side all night letting your coworkers think we were dating, that was the goal. Check." She checked of an imaginary list giving the man a sarcastic smile.

"You shower me with gifts in exchange for my company." She slowly explained as if she was talking to a toddler.

The guy scoffed, he looked off to the side like how a rich douche would do when he didn't get his way. I didn't like him, he looked arrogant and mean. Why was Adelia hanging out with him? He looked at least 24.

"Not even a kiss?" He smiled creepily walking slowly to her.

I watch Adelia visibly stiffen and take a small step back.

"Fuck off!" She warned, her voice filled with panic.

"What? I spent thousands on you and you can't even give me a peck?! You think your pretty face will cut it?" He sneers stepping closer and grabbing her by the shoulders roughly.

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