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You should know
I'm the one who's in control
I'll let you come take the wheel
'Long as you don't forget
Who got the power

The Perspective of Leigh-Anne Pinnock

As I walked off from where the beautiful small girl was standing I blushed harder than ever. This wasn't new though, of course not. I always blushed, just not as much as this. I was just being the usual softy I am though, of course, nothing new. I walked to my first period and didn't stop to check out any guys on the way there. How very surprising. By the looks of it, and my vision was blurry because the previous events had confused me so much it had my mind and vision in a mix up, there weren't any guys around, but what did I know? I opened the door and it made a loud creaking sound. "Hey Mrs. J, why don't you get the door checked out." I said casually as I walked into the classroom, the door made a loud thud when it closed. This caused me to jump and knock over the book that were on the desk of a small girl. I looked behind myself, then at the girl, then behind myself, then at the girl. "No way..." I muttered.

The girl gave me a cute toothy smile and I stood there puzzled. I shook my head and picked up the books off of the ground. "Sorry... Jade...?" I said rather confused. How the hell did she get from Point A to Point B so quickly? I was so puzzled by this but I didn't give it second thought. The girl smiled back at me and tilted her head to the side with a shrug. "What can I say? I have fast feet!" She said cheerfully with a smile laugh. I couldn't help but smile and blush when I heard that soft laugh of hers, she was so adorable. I sat at the desk next to Jade, which obviously wasn't my usual desk or I would have probably known about the Geordie's past, present, and future by now. Of course that wasn't so because I barely knew the girl's name. At that thought I laughed softly and the brunette looked at me cluelessly. "What?" She questioned my behavior with that same small and toothy smile. Did I mention she's cute? "Nothing." I said and laughed all over again. She shrugged and I could tell that she was getting just a tad bit less shy with me.

Me and the girl held conversation throughout about half way through class. I looked up at the clock and giggled. "Jade... we've not been paying attention at all this period." The lighter skinned girl hadn't even been aware of this until I brought it up. "Oh my god..." she muttered and groaned. "If I fail this next test, you're failing it with me." She said quietly and I could hear the rising panic in her voice. I wanted to do anything to make that said panic fall, bury it underground somehow. "Don't worry Jade, just listen to m-" I started before I felt warm air against my ear. I didn't move. I sat there, staring at the whiteboard in front of me. The teacher wasn't paying attention to us, that was at the very back of my mind. "No... you listen to me.." I heard her whisper and it sent sudden chills down my spine. I didn't flinch, I just listened to the previously shy girl's demanding words. I was surprised by this new behavior but the sudden change had me... hooked. "You listen to me from now on, Leigh..." she continued to whisper and the most I could manage was a nod. She pulled her lips away from my ear and I was still frozen. What the hell just happened?

Two minutes passed and I was still staring at the whiteboard, chewing my lower lip. I turned to face Jade and she was innocently watching the teacher as she paced around the classroom and I, on the other hand, was so confused on what Jade meant by that. Clearly Jade was stating that I... no, nevermind that. I didn't even want to think about what Jade meant. I shook my head and sat in silence, or silence from the brunette beside me, as for the rest of class, they were speaking, The only noise I heard was the thoughts inside my head, whispering things to me. I tried to block them out as much as I could and ended successful eventually. By then it  was the end of class. I stood up with my bag and walked out the door. The smell of my perfume followed me and so did the sweet smell of a small brunette. I continued to walk, even though I was fully aware of the girl behind me. Where was I walking to? I didn't even know but where I ended up was outside. When i was outside I sat down on a bench. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I opened them, beside me sat a gorgeous girl. It took me a few moments but I recognized who it was. "Jade why'd you follow me out here?" Then I realized it wasn't Jade.

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