If I Get My Way

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If I get my way, imma take care of you
I can take her place, let me get my way, ooh
If you let me try, just one night I can prove
I can take her place, let me get my way, ooh

A week after the bathroom incident I laid in my bed. It was a Friday and school had let out an hour ago. Throughout the whole week I spent my days with Jade, eating lunch with her, talking to her. I enjoyed Jade's company more than anything and she genuinely made me happier in my life. I felt chills run down my back and throughout my body, fumbling with the sheets. It was unbearably cold in my house but of course I could take it. I grew bored so I decided to pick up my phone off the nightstand. I almost dropped the phone and looked down at my hands to see that they were trembling. What was there to be afraid of? All I was going to do was call Jade. So that's what I did. I unlocked my phone and pressed call under Jade's contact. I heard the ringing stop and soft breathing on the other end which caused fireworks to go off in my stomach. "Jade" I said through the phone.

"Yes Lee-Lee?"

"Uhm, can you come over?"

"Yeah, of course, right now?"

"Mhm, yes please."

"On my way."

Then there was silence. I let out a sigh before placing my phone back on the nightstand. I just wanted Jade here, talking to me. I wanted to hear her sweet voice in my ear just like last week, that probably wasn't going to happen but I hoped it did. I wanted to feel her soft hand in mine. I just wanted her nearby. I heard a knock at the front door and rushed downstairs before my siblings or my parents could get there. "I've got it!" I shouted before opening the door. I wrapped my arms around the small girl and placed a kiss onto her forehead. It seemed as though that surprised her so I looked away and bit my lip. "Sorry." I said simply and all she replied with was a sweet giggle. "Come." I spoke as I took her hand and walked her upstairs. I sat down on my bed and looked at her. "Did you need something, Leigh?" I heard her voice and turned to face her. "No.. I just wanted to hangout with you." I said and smiled. She smiled with me and sat down on the bed beside me. "Hey, I have a question." She said. "Mmm." I hummed and she bit her lip. "Do you sing?" She asked and I looked at her. "Well.. yeah.." I said and looked away from her, slightly nervous that she would ask me to sing. As if she read my mind she continued, "Can you sing for me? Pleaseeee!!" She begged and I sighed. How could I say no to her? With that adorable smile and her perfect eyes. "Yes." I said hesitantly as I walked over to my guitar. "You play an instrument?!" She questioned excitedly as her gaze followed my pacing. "Yes, Jade." I nodded and rolled my eyes playfully. "I wrote a song. Recently. I'll sing that one." I said as I sat down on my bed with the guitar in my hands. "This night, no I don't wanna talk about her, tonight, I really wanna fix your hurt." I started to sing, my hands shaking a bit. I continued to sing and stood up before singing, "If I get my way, imma take care of you, I can take her place, let me get my way, ooh." A few minutes later I finished the song, still standing up and letting out a heavy sigh.

Jade stood up and walked over to me. "Oh my god." She said and bit her lip. "I don't even, god your voice.. it's just.. perfect.." she finally finished. I blushed and looked away from her with a smile across my lips. I hadn't really sung for anyone before, just to myself mostly. My family had overheard me singing before but that was the most of it. I didn't expect a good reaction from someone outside of my family. "You really think so?" I asked and a few moments later I felt soft lips crash with mine. I pulled away and looked into the brunette's eyes. "Did you just kiss me?" I asked and she nodded hesitantly. I kissed her again and she didn't pull away. Nor did I.

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