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Once we were made like towers
Everything could've been ours
But you left it too late
Now my heart feels nothing nothing at all, oh oh oh

The Perspective of Leigh-Anne Pinnock

I laid in my bed when I heard Jade call me. At first I wasn't going to pick up but I decided that I could take the risk. It wasn't worth it. When I ended the call I ended up crying alone in my room. "Fuck!" I yelled and sobbed harder. "Why me.." I muttered to myself. It didn't even make sense. Why was I so upset? The same questioned rattled in my mind constantly as the tears continued flooding down, pouring down my cheeks in deep pain. I would give anything to stop the tears. I would give anything to not see what I had sawn. Then again, am I better off knowing that she was sleeping with my supposed best friend? It was truly too much to handle. I stood up and then reluctantly dragged myself to the mirror. I stared at my reflection to see her screaming at me but it wasn't making any sound. It was like she had become her own and it was amusing to watch. She told me to go out and enjoy myself so, took a deep breath and decide to comply with her ever so demanding orders. I took a quick shower before changing into my clothing. I put on a black dress, as I could admit it was a bit slutty but I was only planning on innocent fun. I planned out my whole day and took a deep breath. I rushed down the stairs almost tripping over my feet, groaning before my gaze met my mother's eyes. "Hey, mum. I'm going to go out for the day." I said softly with just as soft of a smile. She nodded and kissed my cheek. "Be back soon, Leigh." She said and with that I took off and out of the house.

I stepped into my car and pressed down gently on the pedal. Even though it was a gentle push, I still went fairly fast, since the car was very high powered. When I arrived at the coffee shop I planned to order bitter-sweet chocolates and doughy, fluffy pastries, I immediately took a seat inside. I felt my teeth find their way to my lower lip, chewing gently. I glanced around the restaurant before my eyes fell on a brunette that caused my heart to shatter a bit and get pierced by the thoughts of her. Within moments, the small girl appeared at my right side. "Leigh-Anne." She muttered in her sweet Geordie accent. She sat down in the chair beside me and scooted it towards me. I focused on the sharp scraping that irritated my eardrums, not wanting to hear what she had to say but not wanting to reject her. "Jade." I mumbled before I felt her hands on my cheek. "Leigh-Anne you know I didn't mean it.." she whispered and I nodded reluctantly whilst still looking into her eyes. "I-I still have feelings for you, of course. I just.. it just happened." She continued and I simply shook my head. Then I felt a pair of lips against mine and for a moment I kissed her back. It was like an instinct developed over the time of a few days. It felt right. Then I suddenly pulled away. "No, Jade. No, no, no." I mumbled before standing up and looking down at her. "Leigh-Anne," she started and as she spoke my name I felt streams run down my cheekbones. "please, let me fix this. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." She said and I stared into her eyes for a few moments. She was gorgeous, I couldn't even deny that, even now. The silence between us stung my heart and my mind was screaming at me to love her. To take her back. To forgive her. "Sorry isn't enough." I whispered softly, finally answering her pleads, before exiting the restaurant. This time, she let me go.

I sped off to a club, what better way to spend your post-heartbreak days? Getting drunk and having sex, of course. When I arrived at the club I stepped out. I looked rather old for my age, even if night clubs only allowed people over the age of eighteen. I gave the security guard a quick glance and the most he did was nod. The club was rather low security and lenient, plus, the guard was barely a guard. More so a scrawny, drug dealing, pothead high school drop out. I could step on his face if I wanted to. As I entered the club I walked over to the bar. I sat down and let out a soft sigh. The only time I came to bars was during tough times and heartbreak and even if I had been half titled the school slut I'd never faced heartbreak that often. "One margarita please." I asked and the bartender nodded. I looked to the left of myself and then to the right. Then to the left again then to the right before I noticed a familiar female sitting to the left of myself. "Jesy Nelson?" I darted in her direction. I was slightly surprised to see her since I would expect her to be at a bar with higher security considering her age. "Yes, yes, the queen the one and on-" she started before she turned my way. "Leigh-Anne Pinnock?" She questioned and tilted her head to the side a bit. "The last time I've seen you with a drink in your hand was after our breakup." She said and laughed a bit. I smiled at her and looked into her eyes. "Mhm." I hummed. I continued to look into her eyes, she was so fierce, confident, and sexy. And her eyes, oh my god, her eyes. "Leigh, I know I'm beautiful but you don't need to stare at me for an eternity." She said jokingly with a cute chuckle. I have no idea what came upon me but suddenly I locked her lips with mine. Clearly she didn't hesitate to kiss me back before she broke the kiss slowly. "Mmm." She hummed and I opened my eyes, looking into hers. "I missed those lips." She whispered softly and I giggled. "Jesy, you kissed them just the other day outside." I reminded her and she nodded. "I know, but this time you actually wanted to kiss me. I like it better that way." She muttered into my ear before her lips met my neck. She brought a sudden wave of lust over me that tasted of rusted nostalgia. That I loved. Or at least I thought I did.

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