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There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
That I can't say what's going on

The Perspective of Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Pushing Jade away hurt me a lot more than it should've. I loved her. I was in love with her. Falling so deep and I didn't want to but I had to, I couldn't have her dead, god no. When I walked out of the bathroom the "Charmers", they called themselves that, no one else did, were standing right there. I inhaled deeply and exhaled, looking directly at Chris. He was standing right in front of me, looking down at me with a charming smile. No wonder why they called themselves that. He was the least annoying of the group and in fact, he was pretty good at making jokes and was a true gentleman. "Hey Chris." I said with a friendly smile and he smirked. "Ay Leigh-Anne." He responded and took my hand. "Walk you to class?" He said, looking at me with THAT look.

That look that's supposed to make all the girl's hearts race a million miles per second. That look that's supposed to make your mouth a pool, seeping with water at its cracks. It's that look. But my heart stayed steady as I nodded. My heart kept its pace when he walked down the hallway with his fingers intertwined with mine. My heart stayed at its rate when he cleared his throat as we arrived at my classroom. "Ay Leigh-Anne?" I heard him say as I was just about to set foot in the classroom. It annoyed me how he said 'ay' everytime he said my name. "Ay Chris?" I said mockingly, a tad annoyed. "Feisty I see, how'd you like to go to a restaurant later? On me." He suggested with a proud smile on his face. I let out a heavy sigh and faked a smile. "Mhm, maybe tomorrow, I'm busy tonight." I lied and he grinned, I was sure he thought he had achieved something. "Alright! See you later?" He said before playing with one of my curls. I pushed his hand away and nodded. "Yeah." I replied as he awkwardly shuffled away.

I stepped into the classroom and sat in the back, the usual. I kicked my legs up onto the desk and cleared my throat. "Just in time Leigh-Anne, we're assigning partners for this group project!" The teacher said excitedly and I groaned. I despised group projects. "Can I just do it alone miss... miss... miss..." I started and continued before finally ending with, "Ms. Miss!" I hadn't a clue what her name was and that earned a laugh from the entire class. "Alright, settle down class. It's Ms. Cabello, no idea why you've forgotten. You talk to Camila on a daily basis and I'm sure you know her name." She said and walked around the class. "Anyhow, you'll all be put in groups of four or five. You'll be given a rubric, but the entire idea of this project is to work with your group on anything. You just have to have this thing be your common interests. For example, cooking, dancing, acting. There are some rules to this which are on the rubric. Some of these include allergies..." I stopped listening to her, but gave glances around the classroom at people who wanted to be grouped with me. "And you will be assigned groups." Was one line I heard, followed by groans from the class. "Now, I'll read this list out." She said before taking it off of her desk. "Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn." She said and they all came up to the front of the room, she handed them the rubric. "Ashton, Michael, Calum, Luke." She handed them the rubric.

The anticipation was killing me, as I fixed myself in my seat, awaiting for my name to be called. "Normani, Dinah.. or Dinah-Jane.. or something... Lauren, Ally, Camila." They all stood and gave each other glances, Normani looking back at me. I threw a smirk and she rolled her eyes. I found out that she may or may not have a thing for Dinah, she said it, not me. She was handed the rubric and Camila smiled at her mom before they all returned to their seats. "Jade.." My heart started racing, pounding out of my chest as it always did when I heard the girl's name. "Jesy, Perrie and..." I rolled my eyes at the teacher not being able to read the last name. "Bradley Simpson?" She finished and he stood up. "OH COME ON!" He shouted in anger as Ms. Cabello continued to look at the paper in a fit of confusion. "Wait no, that says Leigh-Anne Pinnock." She said finally. Bradley cheered, half of the class roared in cheers at the sound of my name, the other half roared in laughter at the complex situation. I just sat there. I could not be in a group with Jade, for the sake of her. The three of them walked to the front of the room and Ms. Cabello threw me a death glare that pierced through my sanity. I walked to the front of the room, my hands shaking. She handed me the rubric and I sat down, the other girls walking back to their seats as well.

I went through the rest of the day, only worried about one thing and that was Jade. Do things like this happen on purpose? I mean, something MUST have been set up purposefully in order for something like this to happen. Everything happens in a specific order at a specific time for a specific reason. What reason? To keep everything in order. Except what order was that supposed to be in and who decided that order? Did anyone even decide that order? The order that placed Jade and I on the same planet at the same time and somehow we crossed each others' paths. For some questionable reason I fell for Jade but why? It didn't just happen just to happen because nothing happens just because. Unless we just are. We just exist and existed just to be used as pawns in some sort of game like some sort of cliche movie. Maybe we're being watched like a movie and controlled by movie directors we can't see. Maybe that's the purpose. To add some edge to our story. Maybe that's why I fell for Jade. Maybe that's why we're being blackmailed. Maybe that's why we were just put into a group with our best friend and my ex. Maybe that's why as I walked down the hallway, towards the door of the school she stopped me.

I felt a hand on my arm and knew it belonged to Jade. I didn't turn around as I was about to push open those doors. "Jade." I said in a low voice  and she turned me around. "Leigh-Anne, we want to work on the project today." She said as I looked at the blonde and redhead on either side of her. "Oh.. uh.. yeah okay let's go to my place." I said, a bit surprised and disappointed that it wasn't just her. "We all take the bus." Perrie said with the cute smile that she always had on her face. That smile could drive anyone wild with butterflies. "I'll drive you then." I replied and couldn't help but smile back at her. I walked out of the building and they followed me towards my car. "Leigh-Anne your car.." Jesy said in amazement and awe. I chuckled to myself before opening the door for Jade. "Chivalry isn't dead." She said and my stomach erupted in fireworks and flames. I didn't say anything, though. I just smiled at her as she sat in the car and closed the door. Jesy and Perrie retreated to the back seats and I sat on the driver's side.

As I drove all I could think about was Jade. Remembering the taste of her swimming around my mouth. Her hair, flowing down her back. Her eyes staring at me lovingly. Her lips, pressing against my neck and her whispers in my ear. Everything so perfect about her. When we arrived I stepped out of the car and opened the door for Jade. "It thrives." I said with a smirk, referring to the phrase she said earlier. She smiled so sweetly it was adorable. Perrie and Jesy got out of the car and I led them inside, up to my bedroom. "Welcome to suite de Pinnock." I said with a smirk and Jade giggled. "Cheesy." Jesy said and I rolled my eyes playfully. Perrie tilted her head in confusion. "What does 'de' mean?" She questioned confused and I sighed before laughing. "Her blonde shows." Jesy said and we started to laugh while Perrie still looked confused. "Hey! I can be smart sometimes!" She said defensivly and giggled. "So, let's start, what's all of your favorite things to do?" I questioned, looking at the three.


"Singing and dancing!"

"Singin' n dancin'"

I looked at the three and raised an eyebrow. "I love singing too." I said and smiled. This was easier than I assumed it would be. Deep down I was still so nervous because of Jade and I knew she was still hurt, just trying to cover it up. "That's awful ironic." Jade noted and we all nodded. "Well, let's start singing one at a time!" Jesy suggested and we all nodded again. Jade smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. She was just so adorable. "Leigh's amazing at singing, she sang to me once." She mumbled the last part, her cheeks burning red.

After singing for each other, 'ooo's and 'awww's escaping our lips along with amazement and surprise after each person singing, we sat down on my floor in silence. "We need a name." I said and we all hummed in unison and thought. "Rhythmix?" Perrie suggested and we looked at her, surprised at the name she had come up with. "That's actually a great name, Perrie." She said, surprisingly encouragingly. I pulled out my phone and looked up the name. "Well that's the name of a charity." I said and they all groaned at the news. After long and hard thought, so much struggle, someone finally came up with an idea. "Little Mix?" Jade blurted and we all looked at her. "I love it." I said. Jesy and Perrie agreed and the brunette's face lit up at my kind words. "I love you." She said. Tears welled up in my eyes when she said that and I don't know why. Maybe it was because I knew I couldn't have her in the way I wanted her and we both knew it. Jade looked at me lovingly and wiped my tears while I was comforted by the other half of Little Mix.

Little Mix.

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